Yeah. The EU endorsing and preferentially using OSS is a good concept, but there should be way less specifics in there.
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
Yeah. The EU endorsing and preferentially using OSS is a good concept, but there should be way less specifics in there.
I mean, I’m guessing it’s not going to be as bad as during the Cold War, and even back then they were white and there were plenty who settled in North America and contributed their 1/32 of ancestry, so I’m not aware of much stigma ever being present here.
Ah yes, the old style of automation. Why spend a trillion flops doing what 100 can?
GreaseWeazle (link) FTW.
Yes, false premise here.
It would seem that children were never that popular; sex just was.
Continue making condoms accessible.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but birth rates are crashing, and we’re actually more at risk of population collapse in the coming centuries.
I’m 100% sure that’s not it - mealworms have hard segments, that looks fleshy.
Well, you’re actually guaranteed to get less food out than in. Insect farming is only a LPT if you have something we can’t eat to feed them, or are a bodybuilder who needs more protein than you can feasibly get from plants.
Which is the worst to deal with, in your opinion?
All water statistically has Hitler’s pee in it by now.
If there is one, they’re lying.
That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not gross, at least subjectively, though.
The parasitic ones (well, parasitoid since they live free as adults) are very different, sometimes literally microscopic, and never harmful to humans AFAIK.
Gruesomely fascinating and widely studied, though. Relevant recent XKCD.
Interesting. I wonder if that’s all moths - flies experience capsaicin the same way as we do.
So do you think if the Iranian government fell (not far fetched, as you mentioned - they’re domestically unpopular), the issue would go away? I really don’t. They’re part of it, but it seems more like opportunism to gain support and influence than anything else.
Ah. And you typoed.
human beings with consciences
That’s never stopped us humans before. Germans are nice people, too. And Palestinians, for that matter - and yet Oct. 7 happened. Regardless of what the Torah says, we’re not special of different from the rest.
Look, it’s easy enough to make make wild assumptions, but at that point you’re on the same level with the one-state-solution people. I want my government to treat this like every other international ethnic conflict, because that’s what it is. Putting the Bosnians or Serbs individually in charge of the former Yugoslavia wouldn’t have been good, and neither will helping the Israelis do whatever they want.
Modern industrial economies are really complicated. I like trains. To make trains, you need parts, labour, equipment and power. They themselves need to be made, which uses parts, labour, equipment and power, and meanwhile you have competing uses of all those things for making, I dunno, printing presses, or for completely different things like farming or art curating. If you drew it all out as a diagram it would get super interconnected super fast.
Meanwhile, even a simple binary choice like which of two lots a rehab center should go on can be very politically complicated. Anarchists like to handwave it away with “we’ll figure it out together”, and I really don’t find that convincing.
Markets offer a system that’s proven to work insofar as if you need to buy a train or a hair clip or lunch someone’s always selling it. How do you guarantee that, or something similar?
I think the unbelted passenger became the lethal projectile in this case (and somehow survived to be prosecuted).
I don’t know if anyone’s tried to prosecute this, though. It would seem kinda mean after someone’s been in a serious accident.
Also, IANAL, but there can be factors that protect you from charges sometimes. If the driver knew you weren’t wearing a seatbelt it probably becomes their fault in my jurisdiction, and if there’s debate about who knew what that’s reasonable doubt right there.
Now that I think of it, duh!