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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I questioned it around 8 and fully stopped believing around 10. When you behave and ask for the same gift three years in a row you start to wonder. Before that I believed that he was magic and was incredibly fast.

    Years ago I didn’t want to teach my children about Santa because of the Christian connections, but then I realized why we have holidays over winter. If it makes them happy I’ll do it, but I’ll also be teaching them about all the other connections to pagan religions when they’re old enough to understand.

  • Depending on what you’re working on you’ll end up needing more tools. If it’s something you’ll do a lot of, especially if it’s easy, then it’s easily worth buying. Like if you plan on doing your own brakes, having a caliper spreader and in doing a tune up you’ll want to grab a spark plug socket. You can also borrow tools from places like auto zone in it’s a one time tool or maybe once every few years.

    Having a good set of sockets, both metric and English. Someone mentioned an impact driver. Ramps, chaulks, car jack stands (never rely on just the jack), trouble light, pliers, some wire brushes, battery terminal cleaner, can of pb blaster, shop rags, a tub for catching your oil, a couple of funnels, oil filter wrench, vice grips, pry bar, breaker bar… These are things that come to mind that I’ve used over and over again.

    Some other things: A good copy of the Haynes manual for your car. Don’t be afraid to make notes in it. An error code reader is always nice. And there are some things to consider like a heat gun which you can use on hoses and honestly is just good to have around the house. Having a good space where you can continue working if it gets rainy or cold is very nice. At least having some sort of portable canopy is handy. And don’t forget to take lots of pictures along the way, especially if it’s something new. So you phone with a good camera. A creeper is nice as well.

  • Reading the other comments it sounds like this might be a healthy relationship.

    Idk if this is my own baggage talking but the only thing that comes to mind is has he been married before and how did that turn out?

    If he marries women and divorces them and leaves them in a bad situation, then I guess she should be ready for him to do the same to her eventually. I wouldn’t suggest she go asking a lot of questions in a short period of time because I feel like this stuff comes out naturally over time but as she learns about it she should be aware of it and be prepared. (Do things like save money, get a degree or some other means of being able to support herself just in case shit happens.) I know people change, but I also know people don’t and can keep the same behavior from relationship to relationship.

  • Find another activity to replace it and limit your time.

    Try to think, “this time, I’m going to go play with that game on my phone” or whatever that activity is.

    When I feel like I’m sick of browsing social media I’ve done things like get up and tidy up, open the day planner, do a chore, play a video game, read, and hell I bought some word search books on ebay to have around to pull out and do. There’s tons of other things to do that’s better than this shit, you just have to remember that it’s there and force yourself to go do it.

  • I hated the idea for the longest time. Then I realized a few things. I changed my outlook of working a hopeless job to a job being a tool for me to get the money I need to live a better life. I also accepted that life isn’t fair and that not all the work I put in will equal the output. It feels like you have to do the work of 10 men to get anywhere. I accepted that and I put myself to work.

    Sometimes you just have to get lucky and sometimes you have to grow. I worked many temp jobs and fast food restaurants until figured stuff out and landed a couple decent jobs. I started being able to hold a job for 1 year and then 2 years. I got lucky and found a temp job that decided to hire everyone perm. The catch was they waited to see who would sink or float. I floated. I wouldn’t have floated if I hadn’t had previous life experience.

    Look at a job as an avenue or tool to achieve your goals. If you don’t have any goals then just pick something. It could be as simple as you want to save up for something nice. Start small and pick bigger goals as you achieve them. And going back to the job as a tool thing, if you don’t like the tool then get a new one. You wouldn’t use a broken tool to fix something. Sometimes you have a bucket of random tools and you have to pull out a couple before you find the right or that isn’t broken. Whatever to you pick, just try and keep trying. As long as you keep trying, you’ll figure it out.

    I would also add to try to improve yourself along the way. Whether it be working on self esteem, how to write a resume, interviewing skills, how to cook, how to improve your finances, how to fix a car, work on a computer… Just work on something. You’ll only help yourself and learn transferable skills along the way.