This guy looks exactly like Boss Nass, which is a huge insult to Boss Nass
This guy looks exactly like Boss Nass, which is a huge insult to Boss Nass
Guantanamo Bay, even
This would have been unthinkable back in the 80s and 90s. And 2000s. I don’t know what my point is, but it seems relevant.
It’s lower down in the list.
Are you speaking from experience? Because I am. And those don’t work. This is right now, on iOS 18.3 on my iPhone 16 Pro.
I keep brave around pretty much just for this, because it’s the easiest and most effective way on MacOS and iOS. And yet they still seem to be getting through sometimes lately.
Whilst enduring YouTube
Hmm, perhaps not with the necessary enthusiasm…🤔
I did not know there were people who could not feel this 😬
If only it weren’t so difficult and expensive to get in.
Well, that tracks
I guess we’ll take what we can get
File some fucking lawsuits
Don’t let the unattainable perfect solution get in the way of the implementable good solution
Fuck it. Might as well at this point.
Agreed. My reassurance is mild at best.
It’s not on the list 🎉
Those screws aren’t going to sort themselves
Why does this man not feel bad about himself and his actions?