Isn’t there an “actually infuriating” community somewhere? Or maybe a “sounds like this will be used as evidence in the divorce but ok” type thing?
Isn’t there an “actually infuriating” community somewhere? Or maybe a “sounds like this will be used as evidence in the divorce but ok” type thing?
Prove it.
The first writings we have are accounts, receipts, and famously, a complaint about the quality of copper. The first named person in recorded history appears on a tablet accounting for a number of slaves.
Records were literally invented to document trades.
Basically oscillating the tool up and down while rotating the workpiece back and forth, while spinning the tool very, very slowly.
That’s from the cheese frying in it’s own fat while it cooks and it’s delicious
Try instead asking innocent probing questions that lead them to question their world view. They’ll never agree with you if they feel like they’re under attack, but if you seem curious and interested, and ask difficult questions they could come around over time.
Or you know, fuck em they made their bed. Either way.
Or they sold them to Walmart.
This is not the first time produce has been stolen and sold for consumption to regular distributors. It used to be quite common. Crime families have been built on that practice.
Laughs in G code S1 g54 x0y0 g0 g90. F50 M3; z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0 z-.5 a45 z0 a0
I found this in my app list, it hadn’t asked for any permissions. If it’s looking at every image I get, it’s doing so extremely discreetly.
Sus. Very sus.
What the fuck did I just read?
Am I having a stroke?
Only if they live above the rules
That’s really just a company store but worse somehow.
You’re going to have a market. If you make markets illegal you’ll just have black markets. You need to contend with that, failing to realize that literally killed the Soviet Union. It got so bad, and was such a core part of daily life that they just kinda made it legal, and the union collapsed shortly after.
You can’t fix homelessness by making it illegal, you can destroy markets by making them illegal. These things have been tried and failed in practice.
I’ve read The Expanse lol. I was describing the system on Earth in that series.
The thing is, markets predate the written word. Some form of trading is literally one of the first things humans did. It could even be a prehuman invention. Eliminating markets is like trying to eliminate prostitution, or drugs.
Markets, much like life, uhh… Find a way.
Instead of turning up your nose, make them work for you, in a way you want. We don’t want the markets to spread, unrestrained, like kudsu. We want Bonsai markets.
Heavily regulated socialist democracy.
Provide basic needs, food, clothing, healthcare, childcare, and education. Hell even a phone and Internet access.
Emphasis on the basic.
Allow for those who do not wish to, or are unable to work to live with all basic needs covered. Those who wish to work are incentivized to do so, with access to luxuries. Better housing, better clothing, better technology. Allow a place for the market, but don’t make people depend on the market.
No reason to work a job you hate, no reason to employ people you don’t need. Everybody wins.
Sounds like Kellogg’s.
Guys sleep at the plant. They have showers and beds. They’ll spend a week there, rake in an ass load of overtime, and go home for a few hours a week. Rinse, repeat. To what end I have no idea, not like you can do that forever
Your assignment in the Union Carbide operated Hawks Nest tunnel begins in the morning.
There’s better places out there my guy. Fuck em, they don’t care about you, make every job a gap filler until you find someone you’re happy to work for
Biden pulled a Buchanan. Do nothing and nope out.
We also didn’t make the model T suggest replacing the engine when the oil light comes on. Cars, as it happens, aren’t that great at self diagnosis, despite that technology being far simpler and further along than generative models are. I don’t trust the model to tell me what temperature to bake a cake at, I’m sure at hell not going to trust it with medical information. Googling symptoms was risky at best before. It’s a horror show now.
So can web MD. We didn’t need AI for that. Googling symptoms is a great way to just be dehydrated and suddenly think you’re in kidney failure.
Yeah. Like make some of the best films in the last 40 years. DAMN YOU COCAINE