Hi there,

I’m wondering if I could get some advice on why my prints are always failing at 0.2mm layer height

Attached is a pic, the first layers are perfect but as it gets to layer 3-4 I the print does not stick to the previous layers!

Printing at 0.1mm is absolutely perfect, first layer is perfect etc (in my opinion)

Just wanted to have the option for a 0.2mm height so the prints don’t take as long.

Printer is Kingroon KP3S Pro V2 with Klipper Slicer is OrcaSlicer

I can share configs from either if needed, or more close up pics.


  • franzfurdinand@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    No need to get a purpose built dryer actually. Your heated bed will actually do exactly what you need. Flip a plastic container upside down over the bed with your filament underneath, set the bed to ~50-60C for PLA, and let it go for a couple hours.