Hey guys.

There’s a highway that connect the coast to inland, and without it drivers have a 4-hour detour. It has been closed for the past month while a forest fire has been fought by lots of fire crews. It’s been burning since August 15th, so over a month now actually.

They’ve finally mitigated the fire enough that they are temporarily re-opening the highway, however it’s remaining closed 8am - 4pm Mon-Fri so that the firemen are not blocked by congestion. When it’s not closed between those hours, only 1 lane is open and traffic is led by patrol cars. There is no ETA for a full re-opening.

I went to go apply a condition, when I realized that no one had actually closed the road in the first place. So I added something like “conditional=no @ (Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00)” (I forget the exact syntax).

A day later, someone came in and reverted the change saying “the consensus is that only changes lasting 3 or more months should be made. There are people who download these maps for offline use. So no temporary closures.”

But, the DOT of both states this fire is affecting are begging drivers to stop using GPS to the coast on this route - people are driving into active fire zones.

Does concession for offline users actually supersede safety?

  • MrMusAddict@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Hmm, OSM is perhaps the biggest base for alternative navigational software. Seems like a huge design flaw.

    I’m obviously oblivious to the implementation difficulties, but it seems like it should be extremely simple to add something akin to a “temporarily closed until” field, so that uses can set and forget, and it’ll resolve itself without a secondary edit.

    That way, offline users can ignore this field, and nav software must use it.

    • pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
      1 year ago

      i am not sure it’s a flaw at all. the conditional tag syntax is based on opening_hours, which should be able to express ‘closed at these times until that date’. there are ways to finesse this. but as long as the published guideline is ‘don’t do this’, there’s little point pondering practical solutions.

      • MrMusAddict@lemmy.worldOP
        1 year ago

        Not too difficult, I imagine. Especially if it’s a default field in the UI under Access.

        As for the companies making the nav software itself, I’m sure they’d love to implement temporary closures.