This is a lock designed link your device to a fixed point (A lock).
I have made some changes for CNC frendly fabrication, so it took a while uploading.
I also changed the name to E-Lock, since Kensington will start sideeyeing me.
(Yes, I know what I said. I’ll take this down if nobody wants to see it…)
And this is… plastic instead of metal? Or am I misunderstanding things?
The entire device should be 3d metal printed.
If you want a lighter device. Plastic works on:
Metal is needed on:
Oh, wow. I’m obviously new to 3D printing, but you can basically replace a forged piece of steel/brass!? If so, that’s awesome!
With PLA, you can submerge your part with sand and use molten metal. (PLA Casting)
3D printer can also print metals. You just need a special nozzle and metal fillament.