I’m dealing with this right now. Making the largest embedded project for me (self taught) RP2040 in Cpp with a TFT touch screen, an IMU with fusion, a strip of “neopixels”, a 12v battery voltage reader, some Lemo connectors and custom cables, all in a 3D printed case in 3 parts. I’m so close to the end but still facing some code issues.
Start playing with a pixel, then get a board with WLED set up, then start running xlights on a beaglebone to synchronize several instances, for holiday lighting. Suddenly there’s several hundred leds in the front yard
I’m dealing with this right now. Making the largest embedded project for me (self taught) RP2040 in Cpp with a TFT touch screen, an IMU with fusion, a strip of “neopixels”, a 12v battery voltage reader, some Lemo connectors and custom cables, all in a 3D printed case in 3 parts. I’m so close to the end but still facing some code issues.
Pixels are wonderful, but such a perilous path…
Start playing with a pixel, then get a board with WLED set up, then start running xlights on a beaglebone to synchronize several instances, for holiday lighting. Suddenly there’s several hundred leds in the front yard
Haha! I feel you. Luckily my project only involves about 20 pixels on a high density strip (332pixels/m) to be used as a small 1D display.
This is the project I’m working on: CyberLevel. A gyro digital level for Steadicam. video