I just wonder if it actually did get worse or it just seems like that because as an adult you have a lot more on your plate than you did when you were a kid/teen
I just wonder if it actually did get worse or it just seems like that because as an adult you have a lot more on your plate than you did when you were a kid/teen
Sounds like you have to be sponsored by a company to make the move though via a business visa? That still basically only happens to people in high paying jobs.
You’re in a high paying career and knew someone in the country, that made things way easier for you, and indiscriminately giving the advice that people should emigrate makes you sound like a privileged tool.
The negativity is immense - why are you seeking such an adversarial interaction?
The way they went about getting their point across isn’t great but that said, there are legitimate reasons why you don’t see everyone leave for another country even if that is exactly what they want to do. Especially if you are someone that struggles to survive here let alone put away a few grand to cover the expenses of moving to another country, do the planning and research needed, tie up loose ends etc. Living abroad may be good for neurodiverse people but the actual process of leaving the US and settling elsewhere as a permanent resident is not.
What am I supposed to suck your dick for giving out terrible advice that only a small proportion of the population can follow through on? I’m literally just telling you how you actually come across. Hear it or don’t.