Inspired by the very similar thread about school incidents.

  • Pope-King
    1 month ago

    There are two that come to mind for me. I work at a big box retailer that sells a lotta different stuff.

    1. One of our front end managers’ car caught fire randomly one night. I don’t actually know what caused it though but it was kind of a big deal. Thankfully no one was hurt.

    2. Years ago, we had a frozen stocker who was pretty bad at his job, and was also a racist little shit. He worked with another guy who was a light skinned black dude (who was a very good stocker), and while they were normally fine, one day our terrible stocker got upset over something one day and called him a slur. It wasn’t received well, and some shit went down, but nothing serious at this point.

    Now I mentioned that terrible stocker was terrible. Management had reprimanded him a few times already, so on this particular night where he was doing very badly, there was no more room for conversation, so he was fired. The firing manager was this super cool African fella. The firing was not received well, and caused terrible stocker to lose his shit. He stormed out of the office, shouting racial slurs at everyone he saw, and ended up cutting his hand with his box cutter. He then proceeded to smear his blood all over the frozen doors and then ran outside and smeared his blood all over the firing manager’s car. The police were called and he was arrested. No idea what happened to him afterwards. It was pretty wild.