The survey by Nanos Research for The Globe and Mail found 43 per cent of respondents say they support the move, while 20 per cent say they somewhat support the measure
And how much of that is built or sourced in Canada? Thats what we would be trying to protect when we do this. And to my knowledge, its negligible. What we’re doing is appeasing the US at the cost of agricultural exports, exactly as we did when we arrested the Huawei exec that they had conveniently let across the border in order to create strife.
I’m not buying it. We have billions of dollars at stake right now and are risking it for the maybe, possibly chance of producing domestic EVs someday. But our track record at things like emerging technology has been pretty poor, as seen by the Ottawa silicon-valley attempt and nanotech throw a lot of money down the drain accomplishing nothing.
Gee, the LPC can’t get any traction west of Thunder Bay, I wonder why…
And how much of that is built or sourced in Canada? Thats what we would be trying to protect when we do this. And to my knowledge, its negligible. What we’re doing is appeasing the US at the cost of agricultural exports, exactly as we did when we arrested the Huawei exec that they had conveniently let across the border in order to create strife.
Here’s a link that gives some insight into the situation, courtesy of .
I’m not buying it. We have billions of dollars at stake right now and are risking it for the maybe, possibly chance of producing domestic EVs someday. But our track record at things like emerging technology has been pretty poor, as seen by the Ottawa silicon-valley attempt and nanotech throw a lot of money down the drain accomplishing nothing.
Gee, the LPC can’t get any traction west of Thunder Bay, I wonder why…