We’ve added new ways to find and explore diverse perspectives on Search, including content from social media platforms, to help you learn from the experience of other people.
I hear that digital storefronts are catering to search engines more than people. I can imagine people wanting to ootimize their answers the same way for all kinds of reasons. Unless google is very careful (lol) bots will end up spewing malicious answers across the first page of google search.
I hear that digital storefronts are catering to search engines more than people. I can imagine people wanting to ootimize their answers the same way for all kinds of reasons. Unless google is very careful (lol) bots will end up spewing malicious answers across the first page of google search.
Also many “prospectives” are just going to be from “influencers” who got the product for free or have some kind of sponsorship with them.