What would be the acceptability of this in your workplace? For context, which country and industry are you in?
I guess I’m mainly thinking about professional jobs, but interested to hear from. I think in France it would be quite common to have a glass of wine, even at a work canteen or so. But in the UK it seems like people would think that was a problem, and in a lot of cases you’d be in violation of something at work.
You drink in space??? What kind of gin? What’s being drunk in zero g like? I’m gonna vomit just at the thought of a space hangover mate
Hell yeah, spirits only though since no one’s yet found a ‘medicinal’ reason to bring beer along. I like a bit of Hayman slo gin, we’ve got some Schadlerer schnapps, and plenty of clear bottles.
Being drunk’s pretty much the same but it hits you way faster and passes quicker too, hence why you only do a little bit at a time. No one’s vommed yet, but got plenty of towels around for other reasons just in case