120v 1/2 person sauna I’ve had in the same setup for a few years. Did the same thing I always do: plugged it into the same outlet, turned it on at the control panel, lights come on, fan comes on, and yet not heat coming out of the heaters. The controller box has a light labeled “Heat On” that is, in fact, not turning on. I’m pretty sure that light used to turn on. I tried different outlets and plugging in its own cord rather the extension cord (same one I always have) to no avail.

It was likely manufactured ~2010. Unknown how much it was used until 2019 as I bought it second hand. Has worked flawlessly ever since. Was used most days of 2022 but only once or twice a month before/after that. With its age perhaps some part of the electrical box just gave out, I suppose.

Any other ideas? Or is next step having an electrician inspect it?

Thanks y’all. And thanks to the mods for setting up this instance to keep this sub going during the blackout.

  • aard@r-sauna.fiM
    1 year ago

    It may be as simple as a blown internal fuse - check the manual (if you don’t have it - there’s a decent chance you’ll be able to find it online) to see if a fuse is mentioned.

    That’s as far as I’d recommend somebody without experience in working on electrical devices to go - if that doesn’t solve the problem the most sensible way is asking an electrician (or a friend with relevant experience, if you have that) to check it out.