I used to buy these after recent price hikes. To be fair, these were always three times the price than regular eggs.
I used to buy these after recent price hikes. To be fair, these were always three times the price than regular eggs.
I hope I’m not reading into this too much and thinking he just wants to use Russias standard of satellite technology. L5 GPS is better accuracy. Also if you look at 3GPP’s future planning and goals, the game is to utilize all RF technology together. 5G broadcast and LoRaWAN will make sensors happens within cities and highways and that working together with GPS and cell, you can get readings about a foot or less.
So, tell me about matrix and how to use its full basic potential…
Good, keep it up. Put the pain on us in the US. We need to learn our lesson.
I think at this point for majority of the world, this is common sense now.
Consumer technology I can see being very toxic and also toxic for the environment because people don’t know how to recycle or purchase correctly. Commercial tech like IoT is going to help save the planet and support the majority with them knowing.
Yes, be more direct and be human. Explaining thing like “ETMI5” will get your point/message across and be understood. Like others have said, if we, the US, back down, Canada should only roll back half way after a certain period of time. We have to learn our lesson. The president is being an uneducated child and he represents us, we should be treated like a child. We all learned a lesson before and we lived and learn. Time to do so again. Turn up the heat!
Time to start clogging the pipes
You don’t speak for everyone. Take your childishness and incomplete spelling home and get educated. Please and thank you.
Kicking Sergey Brin in the teeth and working 30 hours a week is max productivity.
Turn the volume down, it’s going to hurt your ears.
Clean install that bad boi (those 4a were done really well), update everything possible and then turn off as much settings/features as possible. It’s like reviving a 7 year old PC with Ubuntu 24.04.1(coming from an emotional standpoint than logical),the thing is badass again. It’s a great offline device. Meshtastic, music player, eReader, remote, (use local non-two-way VPN) GPS, etc etc. to keep that device living longer for another 7-10 years, buy a replacement battery sooner than later.
That’s like saying “one vote doesn’t matter”, it MATTERS WAYYYYY MICH MORE THAN YOU THINK. think about it how everything works and then what happens if one thing were to stop and how that chain reaction might go. Start educating and more positive conversations and that will increase a better change than your current comment.
It does make a huge difference. Their analytics gets effed, some people rethink their choices where they buy, or not even buy at all. Just don’t think negatively, there is positive outcomes. Share those comments instead and then we can lead a bigger educational conversations about everything else.
There is in the making. https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/
This is the start and will keep growing.
You’re half right. It does affect the corporations but not much. Change is change. Just need to be more proactive about it and keep continuing.
That’s not helpful. Should be educating and encouraging for change. If Americans don’t fix this, this later will start effecting others. Let’s fix this together.
Or in a classroom saying “boom! Got em!” After your classmate realized you’re the one who swapped chairs cause you had the one who had the chair that made fart noises.
50501 is ready. Are you? https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/
There’s was almost no magic!