For folks with ADHD, like myself, slow talking video essays are a special kind of hell.
Glitchy things and video games. What even is anything anymore?
For folks with ADHD, like myself, slow talking video essays are a special kind of hell.
The problem with days old threads is I never remember the context. Looks like they were asking if Steams data would be more reliable. Tbh, I think Steam is great for gaming stats, not for general use stats. Statcounter supposedly uses what the browser reports when participating websites are visited.
I’m happy to see more Linux gamers don’t get me wrong. Steam is specifically gathering specs on people who game, the other stat counter (that reports 4% Linux use) is based on what people’s browsers are reporting.
Steam is only installed on one of my computers, I have at least four running Linux. Not to mention plenty of Linux users don’t game at all, so probably not.
“If you wish to empty your bladder, fill my food dish and make me fatter.”
Pierce, stop trying to coin the phrase, “Streets ahead”.
Community is streets ahead.
From the news post on the issue.
Arch does not directly link openssh to liblzma, and thus this attack vector is not possible.
There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
I feel like they called themselves Godzilla but had to change it so they decided on Gojira. They have some heavy environmentalist themes to their lyrics so, makes sense.
Edit: they did, and they were legally compelled to change their name. Gojira is fine apparently. 👍
I think it’s less the network’s fault, and more on where someone chooses to spend their time on the network. If you’re on Facebook, it is in their interest to piss you off so you stay and fight. But plenty of other tools exist to connect folks online without being manipulative.
It’s like fire, nuclear energy, or most any other tool. Use it right and everyone benefits, use it wrong and people get hurt.
When I was younger I wasn’t sad because I was online, I was online because I was sad and felt out of place in reality.
The cough isn’t the cause of the cold, it’s a symptom.
Also, I gained more empathy the older I got. So you probably need a bigger data set than your own experiences.
Nice strawman.
No I reject the imperialism, but am powerless against it alone. Human rights are important, and the concept of every vote counting? Seems solid, too bad popular vote lost in the U.S. election a lot lately
Dictators are awful, and they lied about their parties intentions. Do you not realize… they were lying fascist dictators?
Are your legs tired? You’ve been jumping to a lot of conclusions.
You’re on an atheist board, preaching…
Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals.
I hate the greedy, destructive society we’re in, but I also see how people have leveraged faith as a platform to make things the way they are.
Are you by any chance familiar with Stockholm Syndrome?
Can’t blame the technology itself for the lack of oversight from parents. Put a lock on the games, limit play time, or better yet give your kids a monthly allowance for an e-reader app. Make them excited to read.
Sounds like the parental controls aren’t being used properly, more than it being the fault of technology.
“Kids are dumb because iPads, they should be reading instead.”
Ah yes, sorry I forgot you cannot read anything on an iPad. Ever since Apple outlawed reading back in 1997, we’ve been on a downhill slide to unga bunga caveman times.
Ah yes, I forgot folks with ADHD are also insane. /s