Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

  • 86 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Thyme runs and spreads pretty well among grass in my experience, and bee balms (Monarda spp) can do pretty well too for something taller, but they’re so pretty I wouldn’t mow them. Other good low-growers include things like wild strawberry and heal-all (Prunella vulgaris).

    Autumn is also a great time to plant dormant and bare root plants to let them root over winter and early spring, for any patches you’re looking to fully transition into multi-year plants.

  • MH4U on the 3ds was my first introduction and I actually kinda miss being able to quickly tap the items that were up on the touch screen to use them. World on PS and Rise on the switch scratch the itch but I was visibly upset that tracking didn’t make it into Rise; it was just a great mechanic and it felt extra satisfying to build out the monster knowledge, and it added some wonderful depth to the gameplay.

    I’m not really all that crazy about the fort defense mechanic in Rise, I’d genuinely skip it if I could.

    As much as I enjoy the series and still play it, there’s a certain amount of ennui that I’m experiencing when it comes to hunting Jaggis and the rest of the same monsters every time. New mechanics help to make up for it by having the hunt be slightly different, but wow what I wouldn’t give for a totally new experience playing Monster Hunter.

  • Yeah they love the heck out of Rosaceae members for sure. If you’ve got the flies around, keep an eye out for a white dot on the heads of the beetles - that’s the sign that there is an egg which will hatch and parasitize them. The BT will go after them during their grub phase in the soil, which should make other control methods even more useful. A good rule of thumb for these live controls is to check for lot numbers and packaging dates, as less BT will survive the longer the package sits before use.

  • 3rd paragraph in:

    Some Democrats contend the measures could create hurdles for legal voters, are unnecessary and lead people to believe the problem of noncitizens voting is bigger than it really is.

    Legislatures pass bills. Sometimes they are called resolutions, or other names, but the items that are voted on are bills. Prior to the passage of these bills, only citizens could legally vote anyway. Noncitizens face fines, jail, and deportation for an act that has no mathematical influence on these elections even if it were to happen, which it generally does not.

    By changing the language from “all citizens”, it sets up opportunities to selectively disenfranchise those citizens who are able and registered to vote. This selective enforcement will fall disproportionately on those people who belong to the targeted group - in this case, those who look like the people immigrating across the southern U.S. border - similar to how poll taxes and literacy tests were used to prevent other groups from exercising their legitimate right to vote. And that’s by design, else these measures would not be coupled with fear mongering about these people.

  • It’s okay to be a stand-in predator of insects that are listed invasives in your bioregion, with the caveat of “as long as you’ve correctly identified them”. But planting native plants is a calling card for many insects that support many more species, some of which may be entirely dependent on the species you’ve planted.

    Firefly larvae will prey on beetle grubs, and I learned recently that tachinid flies will parasitize Japanese beetles. There’s also Bacillus thuringiensis that can be used to help mitigate pressure from these beetles and preserve the foliage for the local ecology that needs it.