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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I think the vast majority of his current supporters are self-hating and want to make others feel as badly about life as they do - without realizing it, of course.

    I could see someone coming to resent him while still holding the Republican “deplorables” identity. He is functionally above the law. Still ripping people off. Still pretending to be something he’s not and will never be. And they still have crappy little lives.

    But who knows? I’m just a rando.
    We’ll never know the intent or reasons of the first shooter. It’ll be interesting once the second guy’s story comes out.

  • A couple years ago I rage quit a gaming session (during a break) with “Whelp, I’m gonna go do something I enjoy.”

    My teammates understood. They were all very good at the game and I was not. I kept getting absolutely trounced, and was bringing them down with me.
    It’s now sort of an in-joke/phrase we use unironically when the vibe is off but we still like our friends.

  • I honestly can’t recall if it was some sort of geopolitical analysis in the comments or actual news anymore, but years ago I read that climate change and the collapse of the North Atlantic Current would eventually open up vast areas of Siberia to mining/drilling, improve farming conditions in Russia, harm farming, solar, and wind in Western Europe, while dropping the temps in Western Europe. It would also raise temps in the eastern/southern U.S. and make hurricanes more dangerous and economically damaging along the entire Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
    What I read concluded that climate change would be a major boon to Russia and any sensible leader there would want to facilitate it.

  • This might sound tin foil hat-y, but the doctor - Petrak - is a contractor without an incentive to complete the work in a timely or efficient manner. I can’t see why he would push for a speedy closure.

    That plus a hospital that doesn’t want to be sued for malpractice, plus a government agency where they would rather check boxes and maximize their metrics*, than consider the damage of their policies to innocent people is a recipe for torturing the public.

    * I would assume they’re going for number of investigations, and not efficiency. They probably count raw numbers, and do what they can to catch every little thing - thoroughness can be good, mind you - because finding something is “proof” of their efficacy.

    It’s a shame more families don’t sue in these circumstances to make the involved parties check themselves to ensure they aren’t causing more harm than good.