They are showing kindness and understanding and openness and giving you the benefit of the doubt right now.
Meanwhile, you scramble and grasp for words that you imagine might somehow hurt.
You’re the only one who looks unnerved. You’re clearly bothered by the calm, compassionate, composure that none of your provocations can crack.
Ephemeral Sun hasn’t stooped to your level once.
Fascism isn’t an ideology that embraces any tactic necessary.
It’s a tactic that embraces any ideology necessary.
An ideology would come with some vision for a better future. Anti-capitalists want co-ops and sustainability. Feminists want “traditionally female careers” to be respected and valued and compensated accordingly.
MAGAs? You will find such a vision conspicuously absent. A whole lot of, “my opponent wishes to ritualistically drink your child’s blood this coming Halloween.” A whole lot of CRT, and Woke, and transgenderism.
But not a single glimpse of the world they want.