
Resistance fighter✌🏻 🏴‍☠️ holding fast against the new world order 🌐 authoritarian technocracy.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Holy shit. I wish I was privileged enough to call 40 - 50 k shit pay with pension, longevity, and medical benefits.

    That aside though politics is merely a proxy for one’s moral standing. Which is why objective facts never sway anyone to a political opinion. Morale arguments might unless someone’s morality is firmly established.

    I see your argument is that I benefit from ppl going to school. And to that I counter with this. Typically educated ppl in the higher echelons of society hate the class under them. Teachers are more dispositioned to liberalism which makes them hate uneducated rightoids like me. The worst venom I’ve ever had spit in my direction came from shitlibs higher educated during the pandemic. How about Cops? They are higher educated and yet provide the worst of the worst service on society. Grinding down minority communities based on the collective good of suburban white educated society beating down on the ghettos and urbanite population.

    Doctors went full retard during the pandemic introducing medical tyranny. Not even allowing family members or a priest in the rooms to comfort dying ppl. My own doctor was condensending because I would not jab with expiremental Trump vax medicine.

    So… why would I care what the upper echelon of society thinks about me? Why would I want to fund their education? Why should I consider it a moral choice?

    These very same ppl will be assholes and want to rule over minorities through collectivist guilds like the blue line brotherhood, medical tyranny (take meds or lose your fuckin job) or even preach in public school classrooms the gospel of anti Americanism and anti white-ism.

    Or they’ll be some shit lib or neo conservative warhawk asshole who destroys the USA.

    You say I benefit from higher education even though I straight up fuckin don’t lmmfao! Higher education didn’t get me out of the ghetto and into a rual homestead. Working overtime in the working class did. Grueling 70 to 120 hour weeks in security did. Sometimes working two jobs did.

    People can fund their own education. I personally don’t benefit from having to pay for ppls education.

    Yeah sure the infrastructure and everything bla blah. I still don’t see why I should incorporate giving a benefit to a class of ppl who hate rual loyal to the tinfoil uneducated types like me anyway. They should pay their way through life. I had to.

  • Once again you are wrong.

    I don’t equate privately acquired loans through mutual agreement between two parties with public infrastructure paid for by collectivism.

    I’m not taking credit for fixing the roads. If I got hired by a construction crew to pave the roads maybe I could? LoL

    Absolute individualism and absolute collectivism cannot exist in their own separate worlds. Both are nessesary.

    As for the college loans. People’s private education funded through private means is no consequence to me. I should not have to pay for it. Bottom line.

  • You think my beverage of choice is Kool Aid because you equate my rugged individualism and hatred of being forced to pay for shit I personally don’t use for not endorsing collectivism for things I do actually use and am entitled to.

    I will never go to school. Can’t afford it. Don’t have the brain power. It’s just a waste of my hard earned money.

    I’m entitled to use the roads because the state takes taxes out of my check to maintain them. I voluntarily pay lottery tickets that also go towards roads and education. None of that would mean anything if I didn’t pay for gas, insurance, tags, through work.

    You see… All that infrastructure means jack all if I’m some derelict on welfare not using it. If I just smoked weed all day, gamed, and feasted on snacks all that collectivist infrastructure doesn’t benefit me at all.

    It’s only because of my rugged individualism and work ethic that I get to use what’s there. The fridge cannot keep my koolaid under the room temperature if I cannot pay the electric. The electric can’t be paid unless I work. Everything in life relies on my own self determination.

  • Yeah I drank the Kool aid alright. I did not go to College. I worked working class jobs all my life. Saved my money, paid off all my loans, and now am shopping for 10 acres of Oklahoma land for a homestead where I’ll start farming part time while holding down a full time job. I’ll sell sheep wool.

    I’m not some whiny bitch who wants the government to be a welfare fairy because they can’t pay back a loan. I’ve bought cars. I’ve paid off long term investments pal.

    The fruit of my labor came from calloused hands and work.

    Did you know that term drinking the Kool aid came from the Jim Jones socialist cult right? LoL you can’t make this stuff up.

  • I donated 100 bucks to a single mother who was struggling during the Pandemic. I donated some of it to the World Wildlife Fund to sponsor an animal. I saved the rest for a homestead I am planning on planting soon.

    That is not important though. It’s my money. I paid for it. My taxes went into the pot. I have an entitlement to the stimulus money. No I do not agree with the stimulus at face value. But the government did ruin ppls lives and forcibly shut down small businesses entrepreneurs while giving big box store conglomerations immunity. It was fucked up. So the stimulus is somewhat justified.

    The stimulus and college dorks who took out a loan willingly are not the same.

  • Nah. I simply don’t care for paying for other’s college. These people who want me to pay their bills are not the cream of the crop. They’re not doctors, lawyers, or any specialized skilled labor.

    Nobody is entitled to money. You make a deal and money is exchanged. It’s that simple. In this case someone who borrowed more than they could pay back now wants others who never even went to college to work off their debts.

    It’s not fair to those without skin in the game.

    There’s no shortage of ppl who graduate college. Maybe the art degree, or lesbian dance theory wasn’t a good financial decision.

  • Foremost the virus was not Trump’s fault it came out of Wuhan Lab. To answer the question Trump localized the burden of command to the states. Governors then took executive action. In Michigan Whitmore decided to put infected patients with COVID in nursing homes effectively killing the elderly. Was that Trump’s fault?

    The pandemic is a convenient culture war battle ground for each side to spite the other. My opinion won’t be popular but my life doesn’t stop where your fear begins. I completely disregarded all orders and rules then worked as normal. I was the first to demask. You wouldn’t believe how many people thanked me as they walked into the store and took off their mask after seeing one man simply dissenting against the bullshit.

    Most ppl wore bandanas or surgical masks which were not designed as shields against germs. One was designed so doctors would not spit into patients during surgery. It was never meant to be worn for 8 hours. Now ppl have micro plastics in their lungs. They’re certainly not respirators which several liberals tried to convince me they were.

    I know the liberals will whine and bitch that the uneducated republicans are killing everyone. But will they call Whitmore out? Will they call out AOC who was dining out in public in Florida and sunbathing on a crowded beach as her constituents were under authoritarian lockdown measures? No.

    It’s just Trump derangement syndrome and culture war bullshit. Most liberals jabbed from the very vaccine made possible by Warp Speed and Trump’s executive action.

    I’m not going to say Trump’s actions were perfect. Biden and the DNC decried Trump’s decision to ban international flights from China and other places as racism during the pandemic.

    I’m just sick of the bullshit. It’s not all Trumps fault. The democrats had their stinky hands in the COVID deaths too.