Thanks. On it!
Thanks. On it!
My breaking point was Sunday when seeing the exit polls in Germany. Every 2nd person voted for far right grifters and actual Nazis. I’m slowly planning to move abroad again while I’m also joining every protest in my area and I intend to be a lot less civil on top of that. Half the country declared war on minorities and people with low income. Since I’m LGBT, I’ll fuck them up by any means necessary if they force me to do so.
Unterschätze niemals die Dummheit von Menschen. Auch in LGBTIQ-Kreisen existieren genügend Vollidiot*innen.
Passenderweise bin ich Teil der 43,5 Prozent. :)
Ich habe nichts gegen die professionellen Damen, nur gegen Nazi-Huren.
Das wird viele Jahre dauern, leider. Vergiss nicht, dass wir hier in Faxland sind.
YouTube Music + decent Adblocker or Vivaldi Browser.
Everspace once I’m back from my holidays abroad.
Starting at the very beginnig with The Tower Treasure. :)
Thanks to these posts I’m now listening to an audiobook of the Hardy Boys for the first time in my life.
Well, mine only transforms me into She-Gal. I hope the shop owners won’t frown on that.
How about: “By the power of Grayskull…”?
Damn, he must be the twin brother of Captain Trevor Hall!