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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Bravo, those are by far the best recorders I have ever heard! My music teacher is in a recorder quartet, so she has a few of the decent modern Yamahas, and they’re leaps better than the classroom recorders kids play, but I still don’t really dig how they sounded. Flute is her primary instrument, and I’d much rather hear her play that. The recorders in the video look like another huge step up from the Yamahas though. I do feel though they definitely serve a purpose in music education though.

    I am glad there are people keeping all these instruments and musical styles alive though. Like any other bit of art/culture, it’s easy to forget about it when it goes out of style, and by the time anyone remembers, it’s all been lost. One of the surprising parts of my musical education is learning just how much of a joyous part of life music was for so much of our history. With no tv, internet, or recordings, live music was a way to have fun, an opportunity to dance or sing, a way to cross cultures and learn about places you would only ever hear stories about.

  • I believe we are having a miscommunication. You seem to be a bit upset at me, but I feel I’m in agreement with your points.

    I feel public schooling should be a free, all inclusive experience for all kids. The schools should provide all the materials, and they should make sure kids are growing up healthy despite whatever their home situation should be. It is something I support my tax money going to even though I do not have kids and never will.

    I’m supportive of free school meals. I don’t think I’d much like someone who didn’t think kids are entitled to eat.

    My best friends are teachers, my ex is a teacher, and I’ve known a bunch of others through my adult life and know how screwed they get by school funding as well.

    My original question was just wondering out loud why school lunch price does not seem to have risen much with inflation. I didn’t know if they are getting less food, cheaper food, or what, and I thought some of you may have kids in school and could educate someone asking a question so they can form an accurate take on things. I don’t have my own kid to ask, that’s all.

  • I agree, it is probably not advisable for most people to do what I did.

    There are many details left out of the story, but the things that really helped were that it was obvious to everyone she was a good person that was having some kind of mental illness. The police and judge were definitely not thrilled with her, but they all seemed to recognize she was not your typical troublemaker. They could have made the situation much harder to deal with.

    Also her being from a family that is solidly upper middle class that is very close with each other. They also supported her emotionally, and were able to afford her treatment at the hospital and her lawyer whereas I would not have been able to.

    She was extremely fortunate, all considered, throughout the whole process. It was always apparent that she wanted help. I’m a bit of refurbished “damaged goods” myself, so I was able to spot a lot of potential situations before they got much chance to develop, and could tell her to get her medications adjusted or what things to talk to her psychologist about.

    Most people in her case I’m sure do not have anywhere near the resources available we did, which I do not take for granted, and she has known that also, especially being in the group therapies has shown her what could have been and I feel that was very helpful.

    I don’t like getting credit for anything, as with any one factor being missing from the whole situation would have let the whole mess fall back down. I absolutely was one key ingredient, but if you asked me, I’d say a few other people were more overall significant.

    But she’s the only one that had to be there through the whole thing. The rest of us could all have given up if we wanted to at any time. But she faced it all head on and dealt with every bit of it herself. It takes an amazingly strong person to do that, and that is my favorite thing about her is that inner strength while still caring so much for the other people around her.

  • My girlfriend had a lot of untreated mental/personality conditions when I met her that I was unaware of. Over the first year, she couldn’t keep it together anymore and was doing drugs more, missing tons of payments on things, missing work, fighting with friends and coworkers, and just started being rude to people for no reason.

    She was still really nice to me, but she just wasn’t behaving like the person I met anymore. I started considering breaking up with her, but by that point she was starting to get in trouble with the police. I kicked her out and sent her back to her family and she ended up checking into a mental facility.

    I visited her pretty frequently while she was there. I told her she should have been more forthcoming because I couldn’t help her if I didn’t know what was going on. I told her I was ready to dump her because I thought she was becoming an asshole, but now that I knew she was just sick, we’d get her taken care of.

    She went through a couple years of finding the right medications that she could stick with and did a lot of therapy, group meetings, and DBT classes.

    During Covid she registered to go to community college and give that another try. It was a bit difficult getting back in after failing out before, but she got in and worked really hard. She was the favorite of a lot of the teachers, and she almost got all As through the 2 years.

    She graduated this year and had a job offer where she was interning waiting for her, and now she has a job she loves, and makes decent money.

    We repaired her credit over the years, and it’s getting back to near excellent. We got her a new car when she had to commute to intern and do in person class and she’s kept it in good shape and quit smashing into things. She has great relationships with people now. She’s really done a total and successful rebuild after hitting rock bottom, and she’s still a friendly, caring person who is fun to be around.

    I was extremely proud to see her graduate. I feel that was a major milestone from where she started. I don’t think I could have gotten myself out of what she was in. She had to work tremendously hard, but she was dedicated and determined for the years it took to accomplish, and she’s never skipped backwards. I could not be much prouder of her.

  • I’m not doubtful about that either. I’ve seen a few posts over the years of some pretty sad looking lunches, and I seem to recall something about trying to pass off pizza as a vegetable, so I’m sure there’s been shenanigans and corner cutting.

    At the same time, I hear friends talk about all the extra supplies kids need to bring these days, and my brother was complaining this week his kids needs dedicated gym shoes to leave at school, so they didn’t seem to be detected from passing along costs to parents anywhere else.

  • Carter was before my time, but so I’ve read about him, or at least his personal efforts seem positive. From a quick skim of his wiki, he seems to have had some notable accomplishments, but was hindered greatly by a mountain of unfortunate world events out of his control, and he did not seem to do politics by the good 'ol boy methods of the day, so he did not have much support from either side of the aisle.

    It sounds more like he was unable to be effective, which probably does make one a bad politician, but I feel like since his time in office, more and more people seem to want someone who isn’t there to play party politics and who will just try to get things done because they’re things we should be doing.

    Based off of all his work I can remember in my lifetime, post presidency, I’m inclined to believe he was a decent guy back then also. Especially by today’s standards!

  • Oh, I didn’t mean to imply it went to the food in any way, it seems a straight processing fee because we can thing. That’s why I was surprised the list price of the lunch was only $3.

    My $0.85 in 1986 converts to $2.44 and $1.85 in 1998 converts to $3.57, so if the price of lunch is around $3, that makes it seem like it has been inflation proof, at least for out of pocket cost. I’m sure property tax and state tax has subsidized it, but cost to kids/parents sounds like it’s held flat.

    My cheapest equivalent meal from the work cafeteria is about $10 while only being modestly higher in quality than what i remember school lunch being like,

  • No children here, and the article didn’t give the average price of lunch. Google tells me it’s about $3.

    Not to deviate too much from the article, which seemed to focus on how school lunchrooms have adopted outside payment options that use a Ticketmaster inspired fee model, but the lunch “base price” at least is better than I had expected.

    The “back in my day” price was 85 cents in the mid 80s to I believe $1.85 by the time I graduated high school in the late 90s. For it to have ok not gone up about 50% since sounds better than the price increase on many other things, especially with food prices of the last few years.

    It’s cheaper than the cheapest fast food meal and much less than my cheapest meal at work, while likely being nutritionally somewhere between the 2.

    Any of you with kids have a more accurate real cost of feeding kids or more stories of these odd payment schemes?