That’s great! Hope it can be helpful :)
I will start including FOSS games into this list soon, labeled as such for clarity.
Also, here is my paid games list in case you find it appropriate to pin this one too.
That’s great! Hope it can be helpful :)
I will start including FOSS games into this list soon, labeled as such for clarity.
Also, here is my paid games list in case you find it appropriate to pin this one too.
Hey! I hope so too, but I’m sure Reddit itself will do most of the legwork for us haha! They’re going the way of the Xitter.
And BTW thank you for reminding me Lemmy existed and I should have gotten on it long ago!
Ye I’m all for one-time paid games! I’ll drop my premium games list here tomorrow
You’re welcome :)
Thanks! OpenTyrian is obsolete, unfortunately. I will add OpenTTD.
I think it’s paid on the Play Store and called Achikaps Pro?
Thanks! Would this be helpful for cross-posting to that community? My goal is to have a post showing in these 2 communities, and when I update the original one in this instance, the update will automatically carry on to the community in the other instance.
I tried cross-posting using a function in the Summit app, but the updates don’t carry on… Do you know how I could achieve this?
Excellent recommendation! I’ll add it to the list, thank you.
Yup! It’s there in the list and a great collection :)
I changed them to the ! links - see if that works
They do work now!
While I enjoy emulation, it is kinda OT for this list.
Also, is it me or the two links in your comment are broken? It seems like they both miss an “h” in “https”.
Thanks for the recommendation, but it clearly doesn’t match the entry criteria. This list is for people who abhor seeing ads and microtransactions of any kind.
This game, which I’m sure is great, should be part of another category of games: those with bearable ads/IAPs. I’ve been thinking about compiling such list, but it’d be incredibly tricky and time consuming to discern what’s fair from what’s annoying or predatory.
You’re welcome! Have fun :)
Hey, thank you for this great list!
You’re welcome :)
Do you think you could maybe add a small description for every game?
Sorry, I won’t do that. I think it’s easy enough to click on the links and check all the info on the Store, with pictures and description. Furthermore, I did not play all these games as they’re user recommendations, so it’d be too much work for little benefit.
Should be fixed now. Let me know if I forgot something!
They both always looked the same for me, but once I tried on Obsidian I could see the difference! I think it depends on what app the formatting is displayed on. Thanks, I’m gonna fix all headers
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll check.
Edit: fixed them
You’re welcome!
First of all, thanks for your observations and suggestions. I love to be precise with my posts and learning more about markdown formatting.
Headers require a space after the number signs
A question about this: does it change the way it actually looks? I’ll fix it, but I’d love to know if there’s a practical difference in using space vs no space?
I think “Introduction” and “Entry Criteria” should both be headers as well
You’re probably right, as general rules go, but the reason why headers in my list are formatted this way is because I wanted to draw attention to the actual list and genres, rather than to the introduction/criteria. As I’m expecting most users to browse this list when they wanna checkout some games.
Each of your genre headers should get three number signs, since those are all headers that fall within the “THE LIST” section
I’ve actually tried that recently, but didn’t like the way it looked. I think something was off with the spacing between genre headers and first line when using three hashtags. Might give it another try soon.
There’s a single transaction to remove ads. So on the Play Store it will show with “contains ads and in-app purchases”. It might be debatable, but I personally consider these type of games same as “premium paid”, because to have the best experience without ads you need to pay once.
I’ll fix it with better wording.