Amerikan Pharaoh

“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • They’re both going to make us all part, parcel, and accomplice to genocide, so… Yeah. That’s kind of my entire angle right now, is “who is going to make this aberration against history end faster, and who is going to end the cycle of genocidal settlerdom this country perpetuates faster”. By any means necessary at this point.

    Genuinely, I won’t even consider social, domestic issues until it becomes clear to me that genocide has finally become a non-starter for the average Amerikan liberal; I no longer care. Either the genocide can end, or “grill-pilled” brunch-goer Amerikans can start getting uncomfy.

    I think it’s time to watch the party die.

  • Technically, he did lose in 2016. Negative love for her too, like; enough that if I worked with ints I’d certainly have buffer underflowed by now-- but Hillary did win by three million. That should’ve been the liberal wakeup call, that you can win the popular and still get absolutely shafted by faithless electors.

    The only reason I don’t really expect that to happen this time is how it sounded like even Fox was starting to turn on the spray-tan porky.

  • I can. Empire is in decline thanks to its incessant fixation on the Offense industry and refusal to tend to infrastructure, education, or social works, now mix in the steady erosion of critical thinking and literacy skill in this country, coupled with the crippling of any kind of recognizable civics curriculum to allow for principle-less, tribalist “vote my color no matter who no matter the policy platform” philosophies to grip the populace by the throat.

    That’s exactly how we get here.