This is brilliant! I have a ton of these shelves in my garage and kept meaning to figure out a way to hang more stuff on them. Thanks for sharing :)
This is brilliant! I have a ton of these shelves in my garage and kept meaning to figure out a way to hang more stuff on them. Thanks for sharing :)
I’ve been on Pulsar since Atom retired and I love it. I’m mostly doing AsciiDoc with a bit of HTML, CSS, JS, J/CSON, and OAS/YAML.
Some of our team switched to VSCode but I prefer Pulsar’s UI and workflow, and especially the multicursor support. Obviously it’s still under active development to tidy up leftover cruft from the fork, and there are a few more AsciiDoc-specific features I’d love to add without resorting to custom scripts, but overall it’s my favourite editor by far.
You don’t even need the full diamond shape, just the bottom half with a deep enough slotted channel to insert and pull down over the metal to secure it into place. Something like this cleat hanger but with the slot instead of a diagonal wedge.
As an Ender 3 S1 Pro owner, I say buy a Prusa 😅
If you need to go cheaper, look at the Sovol SV06 - it’s basically a Prusa clone with surprisingly positive reviews for the price, and it’s Klipperable if you decide you want a performance boost down the road.
S1 Pro here as well, and for 3 or 4 months my hobby was 3D printer troubleshooting before I could transition it into actual 3D printing 😅 Everyone’s experience is different, which is exactly the problem with Creality - you’ll probably get a decent printer but it’s still a dice roll every time until they (hopefully) start investing in consistent quality control.
If I was starting today my budget option would be a Sovol SV06. Prusa definitely has the edge on reliable (albeit somewhat pricey) bedslingers, but my initial aversion to Bambu’s closed-ish ecosystem is quickly eroding at the prospect of owning a fast coreXY that just works and handles ASA/ABS straight out of the box.
Definitely heat - pretty much all windshields/windows nowadays block UV, otherwise the dash/seats/etc. would also get wrecked way quicker than they do, not to mention drivers getting sunburn even with the windows up.
Zack’s Gridfinity vids were the reason I bought a printer in the first place so Thangs was my first stop, and I love that their search also indexes Printables/Thingiverse/Cults3D/etc.
Printables has the best UI and community engagement though. Seriously, in 2023 there’s no excuse for your website not having a dark mode option.