A software developer and Linux nerd, living in Germany. I’m usually a chill dude but my online persona doesn’t always reflect my true personality. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I usually try to be nice and give good advice, though.

I’m into Free Software, selfhosting, microcontrollers and electronics, freedom, privacy and the usual stuff. And a few select other random things, too.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • Does anyone happen to know if there is a N100 model that supports HDMI-CEC so I can make my old TV set smart with a recent Kodi and maybe some retro-games? But I’d rather not let it consume 9W or whatever such a machine needs all day long. So it’d need to start and shut down on its own. Preferably without manual additional steps involved, hence the CEC…

  • Sure. I’m not against people buying it. Including for novelty or be an early adopter. I’ve had a look at all the foldable phones in the store and I didn’t really like them. I mean it’s a nice idea, and I can see how I’d get some good use out of that large screen. But at least the Samsung one had a pretty noticable fold in the middle. And I can get a rusty used car for that kind of money. Or a mid-range gaming PC new. Maybe I’m just not the target audience. I never got why people buy expensive phones. My $350 one can do pretty much the same tasks in everyday life and also the camera and everything is decent enough. And I spent the extra money that’d get me to $2.000 on a laptop and other things. Yeah, but I know different people make different decisions and that’s fine. I’d be in for something like a Nokia N950 if we want to change the form factor (and operating system for more diversity). But that’s not happening. Or just a regular uninspiring Pixel with the price point of the 4a, just with the current (extended) update timeframe. That’s something they don’t do very often. Probably because of the smaller profit margin. But I also consider it an achievement and challenge to design and sell a device close to high-end specs, just for a fraction of the price.

  • Stimmt. Ich bezweifle aber erstmal die Zahlen. Außerdem ist hier eh alles kaputt und man müsste das erstmal reparieren bevor man sich überhaupt um langfristig kostendeckend unterhält…

    Ich bin sowieso nicht dafür alle (Dorf und Stadt) über einen Kamm zu scheren. Also es ist schon nett, dass das Deutschlandticket jede:n gleich viel kostet. Aber abgesehen davon sehen die Lebensrealitäten im dicht besiedelten Ruhrgebiet und aufm Dorf schon anders aus.

    Und ich würde auch 20€ mehr bezahlen, dann soll die Bahn aber bitte auch pünktlich kommen. Man kann schlecht einmal pro Woche zu spät zur Arbeit kommen, weil irgendwie die Bahn nicht kommt, das interessiert den Chef/Kunden recht wenig. Und immer 'ne halbe Stunde früher losfahren ist auch verschwendete Lebenszeit.

  • Then I misunderstood what the question is about. With your definition and the original question in mind, it’d boil down to doing journalism. Of course that isn’t illegal. But it also has some severe restrictions when it comes to individual people and their private life. You can’t just doxx someone and publish everything invading their privacy. And here also different rules apply to the person investigating and the person publishing the information. But the rules for private investigators still apply.

    And I still think a good part of what a private investigator does is things like finding out if someone cheated on their spouse. And that includes following people. And they better not tell how much they exactly followed someone, but instead only take a picture when they actually caught their suspect doing something wrong. Which they can’t do with the premise of this story… Without a clear goal, they’d have to become more like a paparazzi. Which might be closer to illegal and the movie PI than their usual job.

    And sure, other parts of their job is probably digging through social media, paper trails when it comes to money, investigating if someone embezzles money or is in breach of a contract. But I don’t think it applies fully in this situation.

    However, if you find a politician embezzles money, or poses for the working class and secretly owns 5 mansions in Miami, and you call them out… That’s regular journalism. You just need to make sure to obtain that information legally. Or claim you got that from a mysterious source. And adhere to the standards of journalism. You can’t publish when they fetch their kids from school and then someone goes ahead and uses that information to harass their 12yo daughter.

  • Naja, für die eine Seite ist Duzen nicht gewünscht, für die andere Seite ist Siezen nicht gewünscht… Auf irgendwas muss man sich aber einigen wenn man zusammen arbeiten will/muss. Klar weckt das irgendwelche Gefühle so oder so angesprochen zu werden. Und halt unterschiedliche Gefühle aus unterschiedlichen Gründen bei verschiedenen Personen… Vielleicht muss man mal offen miteinander reden und eine Lösung finden. Oder erstmal sich gegenseitig Verstehen wieso man da unterschiedlicher Meinung ist.
    Ich persönlich finde duzen sowieso okay. Ich wäre damit einverstanden wenn man wie im Englischen einfach immer ein und dasselbe Wort für die Anrede benutzt und sich das Siezen schenkt. Höflichkeit und Respekt drückt man dann einfach mit dem Rest vom Satz aus. Dann müsste ich mir nicht immer so viele Gedanken machen. Und unter jungen Leuten und im Internet und so ist das ja praktisch auch gang und gäbe. Und in ganzen Berufen. Im professionellen Umfeld in Deutschland oft aber auch nicht. Aber man muss sich unbedingt gemeinsam auf etwas einigen, sonst macht man aus einem kleinen Wort irgendwie unnötigerweise eine persönliche Auseinandersetzung.

    Ich kann mir auch gut vorstellen, dass die Chefinnen meinen es arbeiten alle für die gleiche Firma und da sollte man direkter miteinander umgehen. Und Sie wollen auf Distanz gehen weil es hier einen Unterschied zwischen körperlicher und Schreibtischarbeit gibt.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.detoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs "retard" a slur?
    2 days ago

    It’s derogative and ultimatively looking down at people. So not acceptable.

    And I mean in what context would you call someone a “retard” and not mean it as a slur? I don’t see any situation. Either you say that to insult someone. Or you say it to a person who it applies to… But it doesn’t really help in most situations. They probably already know. And they can’t change it anyways. And you could phrase it differently. So in most cases I’d say it’s insulting and not constructive.

  • And since it wasn’t ever a secret that these services are for data harvesting, they got next to nothing from me. I mean does it make a substancial difference if they sell your data or use it to get to know you so they can do targeted advertising… Or train an AI with it? I’d say the latter isn’t even that bad compared to the other business model. But yeah, be cautious about these tech companies. Generally speaking they’re not invested in your privacy. On the contrary. If you value that, use other services. And it’s been that way for quite some time.