Bad, but I found this. It may be a translation issue, but it seems significantly less spiteful and more regretful than I how read your description.
I do get it, it’s like getting a limb caught in a bear trap and not chewing through it. Sure, we’d all hope we would do it and know that it’s the best chance of survival, but it’s not easy to do. I’m not confused, just sad, worried and tbh, a little angry at the democrats. They could have made this an easier choice for us, and they might have won. I’m also angry at people who didn’t vote for Harris, but I really can’t understand how difficult it is for people like Abed Hammoud, so I’m going to save my anger more for the people who voted for trump
It was not as easy as it could be, come on. Nobody wants to vote with Dick Cheney. They swung hard to the right and muddled it for people. It would be great if people were able to keep their eyes on the ball, but they couldn’t. Politicians should be generally aware of their potential supporters’ priorities, and there’s been a clear misstep here.