A similar alternative to Pairdrop with a chat UI: https://drop.lol/
A similar alternative to Pairdrop with a chat UI: https://drop.lol/
Yes you can achieve this with Pocket or Wallabag, a FOSS alternative.
Wallabag also have an automatic tag feature that can add tag based on the URL, so it would be possible to make different reading lists as you suggested: https://doc.wallabag.org/en/user/configuration/tagging_rules.html
I use an old standalone alarm clock, that I put on the other side of the room. So I have to get up to turn it off.
Which type of content are you after? I have a page where I curate nice pics on the fediverse. There is some nature photography, but not only: https://kevinronceray.com/notes/pixelfav
I use markdown files + Nextcloud for synchronization. What I like about it is that I can use any markdown editor. Currently I use Nextcloup app on mobile and Pulsar or Nextcloud Web UI on desktop.
Seems to be the case of at least Biden, Trump and Obama’s bodyguards too: https://youtu.be/KX7f1PwXEWg