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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Looked like the least worst alternative to reddit (which was the least worst replacement for what the internet used to be before reddit, and facebook, and the like, killed it).

    Turns out it’s mostly reddit reposts (often by bots, which is ironic since the originals were also reddit reposts posted by bots) and US politics garbage, and even more susceptible than Reddit to power hungry mods and echo chambers.

    I guess I’m just addicted to doomscrolling. Which is almost as depressing as the fact that this inane crumb of utterly useless and purposeless garbage is by far the least worst furuncle in the rotting bot infested corpse of the internet.

  • I want contrast

    Sure, but you can also have contrast with a dark background that isn’t constantly shooting a third of the photons your screen can generate (or more, since in some screens blue pixels are the largest), and the most energetic at that, at your eyes… high contrast themes tend to have a black background (not a gray one like most dark themes) precisely as a way to maximise contrast…

    (It was even worse when we sat all day in front of a fucking particle accelerator, of course; frankly, as much as I loved CRTs’ ability to work with multiple resolutions I don’t know how we didn’t all end up going blind…)

  • I hate when they do this.

    They never call in advance, and always show up when I’m about to leave.

    And then they want to stay and eat, and I can’t give them what I already had taken out of the freezer because it has gluten, or lactose, or whatever they can’t eat today, so I have to throw it away and rush out to buy something they can eat, and cook it, and whatnot.

    It’s not that I don’t like them, mind, but the least they could do is call the day before or earlier so I could organise and get everything ready. 😤