• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It’s not stolen. Brief history lesson:

    The lands of Israel and Jordan used to be part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans sided with the Nazis.

    Brief aside: we know the Arabs believe that if you win a war, you win the land, and if you lose a war, you lose the land, because that’s what they want to happen with Israel. So this principle applies to them as well.

    When the Nazis lost, the Ottomans also lost, and that’s where the British and French Mandates began. The land was no longer owned by the Arabs because, according to the principle they live by, they lost the war, therefore they lost the land.

    The British Mandate for Palestine comprised an amount of previously Ottoman land, of which they allocated one third to the new country Israel (which includes Gaza and the West Bank), and two thirds to the new country Transjordan, later renamed Jordan. The land of Israel was not stolen by the Jews from the Arabs, it was lost by the Arabs in a war they lost. But they got two thirds of that land back, i.e. Jordan.

  • Lower performance though. At each iteration through the string you need to compare the length with a counter, which if you want strings longer than 255 characters will have to be multibyte. With NTS you don’t need the counter or the multibyte comparison, strings can be indefinitely long, and you only need to check if the byte you just looked at is zero, which most CPUs do for free so you just use a branch-if-[not-]zero instruction.

    The terminating null also gives you a fairly obvious visual clue where the end of the string is when you’re debugging with a memory dump. Can you tell where the end of this string is: “ABCDEFGH”? What about now: “ABCD\0EFGH”?

  • I had a Sony phone once. It was shite. Couldn’t remember the date and time on a reboot.

    It was crap in other ways too but that was the one that annoyed me the most. Obviously the majority of the price went on the name and not the phone. Shame really, Sony used to be a name that meant quality, now they’re just another bunch of MBA-led enshittifiers.

  • A support band for Madness. To call them crap would be an insult to all the genuinely crap bands out there. They went through crap and came out the other side. Then they went through whatever level of shitness that was and came out the other side. I don’t think anyone applauded them, except when they stopped making whatever ungodly racket they were making and went offstage. I’ve never been more relieved to hear a bunch of unmusical talent-free potty-mouthed morons finally STFU.

  • Being trusted in a particular location does not depend on your feelings but on whether or not your behaviour demonstrates that you have earned that trust. Looking for boundaries - how much you can get away with - does not demonstrate you can be trusted, unless you frame it from the other person’s perspective, for example you could ask your mom if she’s comfortable for dates to pick you up from a few houses down the road, and if not how far out you should go. This lets her set the boundary she’s comfortable with and you can gain trust by respecting that boundary and not attempting to push it - in fact go the other way and add 25 yards to it.