But they don’t dictate it. They win if you cry only when it doesn’t affect them
Can we pls talk about his perfect skin? He looks like a huge newborn
You would/could be anything and your message would still be on the level of nazi propaganda.
The quality of an argument/message is independet from whom it comes from.
If it would depend on whom a message comes from, it would lead to “Argumentum ad hominem”…
PS Initial topic: causation vs correlation! All Nazis ate bread. -> “Eating bread makes you a nazi.”
PS2: trying to find a correlation between religion (christianity) and absolute evil(being nazi) is exactly what Nazis did. They said that there is a correlation between being jewish and the cause of all bad things happening.
You should first learn to read. He said nazi PROPAGANDA, fcking moron.
Wtf, if you say so… have a whatever day
Ah okey, sorry my comment was not meant as insult. I was just showing my “worthless” confusion about your PUBLIC post. Have a great day/night anyway ✌️
Wtf is this?!? I thought we use window manager to escape from mouse and not tweak it to make i t “mousefriendly”
What about window managers? i3wm as example