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College Board issues aside, I have fond memories of TI-BASIC, writing in it a 3D graphing engine and a stock market analyzer. With enough patience, I could make anything … but friends. (Although with my chatterbot experiments, I certainly tried.)
Another story is a bit on the nose now, but is about radicalization caused by a failing medical industry. It was written in 2019.
Cory Doctorow wrote a book called “Radicalized”. One part (there are 4 short stories) is about a rich billionaire who has a bunker when things go to shit, and he invites like 20 people to live with him there, then follows as they fail trying to live there. It’s worth a read
This is Propublica at their best. Definitely read this (they have an audio option as well if you rather)
Colorado did this, to similar success:
I use FreeTube for my youtube viewing. I have a plugin in Firefox called “Freetube Redirect” that does this for me. It works perfectly.
Baby steps
It’s always risky playing a Gambit against Magnus
Find out what is legal in your state:
Fantastic charity/advocacy group there too.
All profits are exported out of the community, instead of staying/swirling about the community.
TABs gang rise up!
3rd in line for president:
Thanks O’Biden
There’s a sharpie for that, I’m sure
Thanks for the background there. I’ve subbed to this new LOTR community!
Oh nice! I didn’t know this one existed!
Danish Cookies for everyone!!