• 54 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • If I had a platform that millions of people listened to (which I don’t), and strongly held beliefs about how the country could be made better for everyone (which I do), why wouldn’t I use my platform to share those beliefs? How could I not?

    No one MUST obey what either of them says, just like no one would be compelled to obey me in my hypothetical. But I don’t really have a problem with any person using whatever platform they’ve found themselves with to express their own beliefs and desires. I don’t think people lose the right to free expression just because they are rich and/or famous and/or powerful.

    Edit: And if you piss a lot of people off and lose all your advertisers because your opinions are repugnant and awful - well hey, that’s the choice you made.

  • most true Republicans see the destruction of the conservative party by MAGA and want to defeat it to save the party.

    Where were nearly all of them for the past 8 years? Oh yeah, supporting Trump and maga.

    I’m glad they are going to help defeat him in 2024, but they can eat a bag of dicks after that. I’ll neither forgive nor forget the monster they invited into the nation (and I mean the entire maga crowd and mindset, not just Trump). It would be within the realm of scifi for me to vote for a Republican as so much a a local fileclerk at any point between now and when old age takes me.