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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • the fact that we’re studying things properly now and regulating what terms and substances mean will almost certainly shake that out and find the specific cause/harmful quantity

    anything is dangerous in high enough dose, but that doesn’t mean you stop doing beneficial things because it’s harmful at high dosage … if that were the case we wouldn’t have paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin - all much more harmful than CBD/THC at much lower dosages (and let’s not even talk about the harm of alcohol)

  • there are plenty of other delivery methods. our studies in australia are using CBD oil, THC oil, or you can choose to smoke it etc if you’d like… but afaik there are specific studies around using the oils and i can’t imagine if they’re found to be as effective they’d allow smoking - for the obvious reason that smoking being bad for your health, and the less obvious reason that smoking is, by the nature of having repetitive action, addictive

    CBD and THC oil has definitely been good for me. it helps me sleep far far better! 0.1ml occasionally if i’m feeling like my brain just isn’t slowing down - maybe once per week on average, sometimes 2-3x if there’s a lot of stressful things going on

  • make their browser engine useable for 3rd parties and sell support, make an electron-like product and add premium features… there are so many browser-based products that people sell, and owning 1 of the only viable browser engines should be huge… the fact that firefox is still only barely able to be embedded is a travesty

    it’d be especially valuable if they made a premium electron product that provided security/privacy guarantees, performance benefits, etc - they should siphon some of the profit off the number of for-profit companies that build electron apps

  • this is 100% correct

    … but also, i do wish we had the best of both worlds: ONLY paper ballots are submitted as trustworthy, however machines that print on paper ballots (so if the machine stops working you can use a pencil as usual still). this ensures that people mark the ballots in a valid way, they can physically look at their ballot paper and ensure it’s what they want before submitting it, and the machine can record its ballots so they can be fed into a computer as a “preliminary” count so results are available ASAP, with the paper ballots confirming validity - the preliminary count is meaningless other than speed; paper ballots are the source of truth

  • why do you think mandatory military service isn’t a good idea?

    why are you judging peoples countries based on your view that governments shouldn’t force people to do things?

    in fact you’re judging peoples’ lived experience and opinions based entirely on your own narrow views of government

    mandatory military service might mean fewer wars if people understood better what that meant

    my government (australia) is, all in all, a good thing - them telling people in this country to do things is, again all in all, a good thing. we live in a society, and the world has different people with different opinions and different ways of viewing the world and doing things

    am i privileged to have a government that i can trust? sure! no denying that… but mistrust of the government is not a reason to write off the entire concept of societal mandates

    yknow what else is good? taxes, fire services, disaster response, and dare i say - public healthcare and ambulances… all things im mandated to pay for along with everyone around me in case we ever need them