This is the state that gave congress: Barry Loudermilk, Mike Collins, Marge Taylor Green, et. al. My expectations for the state remain unexceeded.
This is the state that gave congress: Barry Loudermilk, Mike Collins, Marge Taylor Green, et. al. My expectations for the state remain unexceeded.
Russia, China, and Iran. Just doing their normal shitty stuff.
Seems like there should be some way to tax packaging to combat that crap.
I don’t know if that helps or not.
I blame Israel for the death of its civilians due to palastinian terrorism.
I return to my original statement, and we have now completed the circle and neither of us has changed. Much like the violence and depravity of religious wars in the Middle East.
Florida might be in play for Harris. Can’t have that. This next hurricane should fix that trend.
I guess that’s the thinking.
My dad wouldn’t let me get one with 2 speakers. Only one speaker. I still don’t understand that reasoning.
Like this:
Gotcha maga-ing.
So very similar to the history of countries in the area kicking out/killing Jewish people. I don’t even have a side in this bullshit. I just see a bunch of bad faith actors surrounded by howler monkeys hanging on to one side or the other. And the weird one-sided idiot rhetoric thrown around on this site. I would like to know if you think Oct 7th, or Hezbollah launching rockets into Israel on Oct 8th (or any of the many other dates) is terrorism as well. Or if using civilians as human shields is a legitimate tactic. Again, I 100% agree that Israel has gone way too fucking far, but I don’t agree that one side is assholes and the other side is saints. It’s that scene in Spaceballs, I’m surrounded by assholes.
I love that saying. And I’ve known that for a long time.
I’m going to go with you being crazy. Although based on your mention of “deja vu” and the number “4”, I did see djview4. I don’t think that’s what you wanted though.
These numbers are just insane. The US lost 1/10th of that many soldiers in Vietnam and it fucked up that entire generation.
Humanity. I know it’s kind of self-defeating or something, but humanity just scares the shit out of me.
Keep it coming. You are cracking me up. Nazi comparisons now, and I’m the unhinged one?
So reductive, inflamatory, and ill-informed. It’s kind of sad.
This comment section gives me hope for this platform.
Ah, then we are on the same page. I thought you were referring to:
According to the Census Bureau, there were approximately 15.1 million vacant homes nationwide in 2022. These vacant homes, which include rentals, represent 10.5% of the country’s total housing inventory. -source
which is just another fucking gut punch.
When “landlords” own 10k+ properties, it’s 100% a numbers game.
There was an article (Archive Link) in The Washington Post discussing the nuts and bolts of how expanded representation could work. It wouldn’t be hard.
A quote from the article: To my surprise and delight, the team’s last proposal reveals that we could actually take the House of Representatives up to 1,725 members without having to construct a new building.