France is also smaller than Texas. I would like to see a revolution, but we are so spread out I can’t see it happening.
France is also smaller than Texas. I would like to see a revolution, but we are so spread out I can’t see it happening.
I was talking with some kids the other month (Berkeley grads, so “kids”=mid 20s), and they really believed this current shit show is no big deal because they were taught about “checks and balances” in HS. It blows my mind that anyone thinks Fuckhead and the current GOP is just a normal swaying of the political pendulum.
The 2A was so that the Federal gov’t wouldn’t have a standing army. That went out the window really quickly when a Federal force under the first president had to be raised to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. At the time, the 2A should have been repealed or rephrased at least. Don’t forget that one of the jobs of the US gov’t, as defined in The Constitution (which admittedly, doesn’t mean much now when we have a president who is clearly does not qualify under the 14th Amendment), is to put down domestic violence.
Unpopular opinion - I like the look & the idea of the Cybertruck.
You are the first person I’ve seen say they like the look. But if we all liked the same thing, what a boring place this would be. Or more boring.
It might not be great, but it’s something. As a life long fan since the Bjorg era, not being able to watch tournaments for years has been kind of deflating.
Done. Thanks for the head’s up.
I take at least a little pleasure in blocking idiotic anti-zionists.
The Constitution is pretty clear that trump doesn’t qualify for the office, yet here we are. It’s freaking insane watching this happen in my lifetime.
Ten guys jump one, what a man
You fight each other, the police state wins
Stab your backs when you trash our halls
Trash a bank if you've got real balls
You still think swastikas look cool
The real Nazis run your schools
They're coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth Reich, you'll be the first to go
-- *Nazi Punks Fuck Off* by The Dead Kennedys
PAUL MCCARTNEY: I’ll never forget the first time I heard the Brown Note. I’d been wearing my favorite trousers that day. At least they were my favorite trousers.
RINGO STARR: At first I assumed I was hearing one of John and Yoko’s weird sound experiments. After a few seconds I knew it was bigger than that. I mean the sound moved me — moved me bowels that is.
PAUL MCCARTNEY: A sound that makes you crap yourself? That’s the power of music, man. As soon as I heard it I realized: The Beatles gotta break up. Well, there were other reasons, but that was definitely a reason.
From, and continued here, for those interested in statements from other musicians on The Brown Note.
If only workers could band together and use their collective bargaining powers to improve their treatment.
The exact phrasing varies, but in most states, the details of the law are the same: Any “commercial entity” that publishes “material harmful to minors” online can be held liable—meaning, tens of thousands of dollars in fines and/or private lawsuits—if it doesn’t “perform reasonable age verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to access the material.”
Sure seems like that would cover a lot of websites, including most news sites.
The middle class gets a wealth tax, but the top people don’t. Freaking wealth tax above <whatever>. This current state of affairs is ridiculous.
Now he can get back to praising the journalist-killing Saudis.
I wonder if that person thinks hydrogen gas == hydrogen bomb
Pilot POV landing.
Imagine being a Republican and supporting this type of governance. I tried and didn’t quite make it there. They, Republicans, show over and over that they can’t even manage the most basic functions of Congress.
It’s just Lemmy and the knee jerk reactions to the mention of Israel. It’s rarely worth engaging on here on that subject.
It’s not like Roof got off scot-free. He is awaiting the death penalty and was sentenced to 9 life sentences on top of that.
Wait! Biden isn’t even in office anymore. How could this happen?