We have multiple proofs that if you’re mixing politics with religion the country becomes utter shithole. But yeah, thanks!
We have multiple proofs that if you’re mixing politics with religion the country becomes utter shithole. But yeah, thanks!
Vielleicht sollten die Leute einfach aufhören krank zu werden.
I’ve seen someone using Adobe Acrobat just for splitting PDF documents.
Tja… die haben da einfach keine Ordnung und Struktur dort.
Ich habe meinen Vornamen geändert und sie haben sich trotzdem geweigert meinen zweiten Vornamen wegzulassen. Die Änderung ist am Ende komplett nicht das gewesen, was ich haben wollte. Es ist noch schlimmer geworden, da der zweite Vorname aus dem Taufschein ungefragt übernommen wurde und ursprünglich gar nicht zum Namen gehörte.
Was this COVID making everyone dumb around the world? Or do aliens invade us soon after they have used the stupidity beam long enough?
If Trump is elected, the USA would also be demolished, but you should not give up the entire country.
Even kids know how to enter fake data.
Mutual agreement “look ok, but no touch” is perfect.
Mir ist schon aufgefallen, dass Leute vom Anteil her öfters dümmer sind als das früher war. Dass da Rassismus und sonstiges “vereinfachendes Denken” bei rauskommt, ist offensichtlich.
Mich interessiert dieses kollektive Verhalten und Einflüsse bei bestimmten sozialen Netzen. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass alles damit zu tun hat. Ich habe die Theorie, dass die Netze letztendlich deprimierend sind und daraus wächst jede Menge kranker Scheiß.
In 2020 there have been around 3000 data centers in Germany. Sounds more plausible to me.
Germany only 521? Seems a bit low.
What counts as a “data center”? How many rooms and how many racks does it need to have?
So you change your towels every time? Otherwise when you start again, the last time you used it, you wiped your butt with it.
I don’t like the term “clever” in code, because sometimes it means “I’m too dumb to understand it”. Simply don’t touch clever code, unless you really understand it.
Best example is the fast inverse square root function in Quake. Yeah… it’s clever, but replace it by simple maths and let Quake have performance problems.
On the other hand, using AI for more than assisted coding is never clever. Some day some fuck will use it in medicine and will actually kill people. AI is not at fault here! It’s the programmer who killed a patient in this case by being irresponsible and lazy.
Devs care to debug code only if they believe in its quality. Otherwise they write the code again from scratch. This is also cheaper than debugging.
AI code is not clever. It’s all developers averaged. Even if it worked properly, you’d get average quality code.
It’s rather lazy and cheap. This is where the quality is lacking.
Actively doing something useful is what I suggested. It has already been communicated that the entire topic is bullshit.
Talking inside the bubble is not helpful anymore. There is no one listening here who could change an opinion about Trump.
I wouldn’t like to be paralyzed in terror. It’s not reasonable and not useful. I would be wise to think what to do instead.
US politics is hilarious. Why do you even waste time on those dumbasses? Go and do productive things. You have lots of time while this crazy trumpy shit is going on.
I only know pasta with sugar and:
Most of these observations are subjective. I’ve had some Seagate drives that worked well but were very hot and wasted energy. On the other hand WD was crap so far, starting with 3 TB. Not because of quality, but because of power saving features that were a major annoyance to me (green and some blue drives). Red drives I had were mostly fine, even they wore out pretty quickly (Load_Cycle_Count bugs). They ran at 0% health left for a few years and had other awful SMART and on-drive controller bugs.
Since Seagate and WD are essentially the same company and they lied about SMR before, I wouldn’t buy either of them.