I’ve heard a lot about habits and mentions of that book too! I found an article about his four laws – make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying (ctrl+f to jump down to it) and the cues/cravings responsive/rewarding cycle, which kinda makes me want to look into it in more detail too. I hope the book was useful!
I’ve been learning Monster Hunter and am a little ways in - I started out with SnS but am trying out some other tools too. I kinda interspersed it with trying out Dark Souls too (which definitely feels like the more punishing of the two!) and it’s been pretty interesting to try out a more Japanese perspective on combat that’s often described like “watching animations and taking turns”. I’ve also been doing a bit of the Gower MMO Brighter Shores from time to time. It’s been lovely to see Andrew’s particular sense of understated humour in the quest dialogue, and I’ve slowly got a few hundred levels here and there idling away for XP.