Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I will continue not using it. I was interested in Oculus until they sold to FB and then I nope’d right out of that. I really did think VR was neat, but various things kept me from pulling the trigger. If it becomes the only way to use chunks of the internet, I just won’t use them; I grew up still in the analog world (though we did have BBS and very early dial-up in the '80s), and I could go back to it. I’d honestly miss educational content more than anything else, but I can get books. In my lifetime, that strategy would probably still work fine.

  • I didn’t miss it so much as I didn’t think it was that important, but you’re right that it’s not a bad point to bring up. That 64.9m^2 is actually bigger than the 2LDK+Loft I live in now (55.x + the loft) in a freestanding house. For two of us, it’s mostly fine. Just because I work from home, I’d like a little more space, but it’s worked fine. Previously, my apartment was I think 32m^2 or so, which again was mostly fine.

    People here aren’t used to f-off big houses like in the US (I can’t speak for Aus), so I think of it less as a problem and more of a “this is what we do” type of thing. In the post-war boom in the US, it seems a lot of newer houses were around 92M^2 (single-source quick google), but I know that number is way higher today. Anecdotally, I’ve not found wanting bigger spaces something that a lot of my friends have mentioned (until they have toddlers and older anyway, heh), particularly when a lot of them are only home to sleep, eat, and shower.