I was thinking about that when I was dropping my 6 year old off at some hobbies earlier - it’s pretty much expected to have learned how to ride a bicycle before starting school, and it massively expands the area you can go to by yourself. When she went to school by bicycle she can easily make a detour via a shop to spend some pocket money before coming home, while by foot that’d be rather time consuming.

Quite a lot of friends from outside of Europe either can’t ride a bicycle, or were learning it as adult after moving here, though.

edit: the high number of replies mentioning “swimming” made me realize that I had that filed as a basic skill pretty much everybody has - probably due to swimming lessons being a mandatory part of school education here.

  • @grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world
    14210 months ago

    Winter driving and shoulder season driving. Snow, ice, black ice, freezing rain, slush, hydroplaning, driveway clearing, walkway maintenance, windshield scraping, and keeping an emergency kit for breakdowns. Stuff like that.

    • TortoiseWrath
      10 months ago

      Or driving in general. As an American who didn’t get a driver’s license until I was 21 (gasp! so old) due to some reasons, I can attest that many, many people here simply can’t comprehend the idea of someone over 17 or so not having one. I got turned away from a hotel once because they didn’t know how to use a passport as an ID.

      The only other people I’ve met with this problem were immigrants. And we were always able to bond over lamentations of how difficult it is to solve this problem… the entire system to get a license here is built around the assumption that everyone does it in high school, so every step of the way is some roadblock like “simply drive to your driving test appointment”…

      • aardOPA
        2110 months ago

        As an American who didn’t get a driver’s license until I was 21 (gasp! so old)

        I’m now 41, never made a license - there wasn’t really much of a need until now. I can get anywhere I want with a combination of bicycle and public transport.

        • @folkrav@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Guessing you live in or close-ish some kind of urban center? I got my license at 18 cause the closest bus stop from my parents’ place was a 30 minute walk from the closest bus stop, getting literally anywhere useful was at the very minimum another 30 minutes on top of this, and getting downtown was another 45-50 minutes of bus+metro over those last two stretches, assuming no traffic. I currently live 60km outside of town, it’s the exact same story. 20 minute walk to the bus, 30 minute bus ride to the train station, and 45 minutes of train to get downtown. North America was built for cars, for better or (especially) for worse, our public transit infrastructure is terrible, things are so far from each other, nothing was built for it…

          When I moved out of my parents’ place and got an apartment in the city with my wife though, we managed without a car. Bus/metro/walking got us everywhere we needed for every day life, and we used car sharing services when we needed to go out of town. I wouldn’t mind going back to this, but living in town would be literally twice as expensive, and we’re deeply priced out of that area if we ever want to buy, despite me making a solid 6 figures lol

          • aardOPA
            1410 months ago

            Currently in Finland - single family home in a town with 46k people. Originally from a 2k village in Germany.

            We have two daycares, a school and a grocery store 1km from home - here that kind of stuff is integrated in the neighbourhoods where people live. Many elementary schools, some just grades 1 and 2 - by grade 3 they can already easily travel the longer distance to another school by themselves.

            • @folkrav@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              Sigh. My town is even larger and more populous than yours… Really discouraging. Jobs in my field (programming) are mostly around town, and it’s too expensive for me to buy there, so unless I manage to keep working remote indefinitely, I’ll never be able to buy lol

          • @Illegal_Prime@dmv.social
            310 months ago

            You’d be surprised how for you can stretch ANY transit infrastructure. I despise the resignation that North America was “built for cars” you’ll find people-centric places all over the country, both in cities and rural areas too. The biggest issue is that a lot of rural areas lack transit service, but fixing that would be relatively inexpensive. Unfortunate anywhere without transit is inaccessible to disabled people such as myself who are incapable of operating their own vehicle, so this is something we need to work on.

            Most places were built for people, not cars. But many weee, and even more were demolished for them. But saying that North American cities were designed for cars ignores much of the history of North American urban development.

            Either way, if a place isn’t transit accessible, it might as well not exist. Though I must stress that it is NOT difficult to make something transit accessible.

            • @folkrav@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              IMHO that’s kind of a simplistic view. Let’s take my town for example. Going down to Montreal on a bus takes 1h45 alone, so that’s not remotely an option. So next best option is bus + train, but closest train station is a 20-25min bus drive. So unless they manage to rezone and displace a bunch of people to lay another handful of kilometers of tracks through agricultural and residential land, new trains in my area won’t happen, therefore my best option will always remain bus+train. And it’s far anyway.

              All decent transit around here covers areas I’ll never be able to afford to buy in. Or I could rent forever, I guess. Point is, everything is so freaking far apart around here that land based transit just doesn’t cut it. It takes way too long to get anywhere to get a viable option for anything but short distances. I used to live on one end of Montreal’s island… It took me 1h30 to get downtown by public transit. 3h+ a day sitting my ass on a bus/train/metro. That’s not acceptable. And I lived inside the city. Half the province lives in that Greater Montreal area, and transit doesn’t even cover it all properly. I had similar experiences in Quebec City, Gatineau/Ottawa and Toronto too.

              It’s not resignation, it’s realism. By your own definition, 95% of North America basically doesn’t exist for you lol. If I wait for transit to become acceptable, I’ll be 50 by the time I do anything with my life. And I’ll be honest, I have a lot of trouble agreeing with the take that much of NA was built for people, when I see the amount of highway it takes to get from one city to another, or the amount of towns built around a large “stroad”. Intra-city transit might be fine in some areas, you seem to say it is, but it is not enough, with large North American cities getting way too expensive to live in for many.

        • @Agent_of_Kayos@lemm.ee
          110 months ago

          Which is also better for the environment and a perfectly fine way to live. I think more people should be like that

      • @floofloof@lemmy.ca
        1010 months ago

        I moved to the USA and then Canada as an adult. I had never needed to learn to drive in my home country because there were decent buses and trains. But you really can’t function easily in North America without driving a car, so I had to learn and start polluting like everyone else. It’s not a good setup.

    • @Fosheze@lemmy.world
      2210 months ago

      This right here is a big one. I live in a college town in Minnesota and the students from out of state are absolute mennaces on the road in winter. My dad used to plow snow for one of the local universities. He had multiple students drive directly head on into his plow because they never cleared off any of their windshield before they started driving down the road. Luckily the snow plow tends to handily win in those situations and the plow trucks all had dash cams for exactly that reason.

      You also get the people who think they’re invincible in the snow because they’re driving a 4 wheel drive truck. Newsflash, 4 wheel drive doesn’t mean you stop any better and it doesn’t do much when you’re on glare ice.

      Similarly people who haven’t dealt with snow have no idea what to do when they do start sliding. So many people will just hit the brakes when they start to slide, which anyone who is familiar with winter driving should know that is the exact thing you never want to do.

      Snow tires are another big one. I drive a tiny crappy rear wheel drive pickup but as long as I have a good set of snow tires on it and a few sand bags in the bed of the truck, then it still out performs any other vehicle with all weather tires in the snow.

      • @bobs_monkey@lemm.ee
        310 months ago

        I live in a ski town that caters to the Los Angeles crowd, and I feel you on all that. 4 wheel drive does not mean 4 wheel stop lol. We are lucky in that we don’t get that permafrost y’all get up north, usually the roads dry out a few days after a snow storm so snow tires aren’t mandatory up here. But the number of overconfident goofballs in the winter is way too high.

        The big one I can think of are snow rated tires, most people have plain old radials that don’t do squat in snow. And then you have people that don’t know which axle is their drive axle and that’s always fun to watch. Thankfully I have a two door wrangler with all terrains that is a breeze to drive in snow, very rarely do I have to chain up.

      • @grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world
        1210 months ago

        So it will snow at night but warm up during the day so you’re dealing with icy conditions that have a layer of melt water on them. Or freezing rain that flash freezes at dusk to black ice. And so on.

        • @GingerPale@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          And for people who don’t know, black ice isn’t actually black (unless is filthy with dirt). It’s ice clear enough that the black asphalt underneath shows through very clearly. This make it so you’re on ice and don’t know it because it just looks like regular road.

      • @TehWorld@lemmy.world
        110 months ago

        Fairly certain the shoulder here is referring to the season. The in-between fall and winter and winter to spring.

    • Naja Kaouthia
      710 months ago

      Was a bit of a learning curve for me, having moved from subtropical Florida to Colorado the land of eternal winter. I bought a Subaru.

      • I had an Uber driver in Florida last time I was there (business) and when he found out I was from Canada he told me he went to Boulder in the winter for a vacation and thought it would be cool to rent a car and drive up a mountain. Yeah, he was pretty freaked out by that driving experience. :)

        Good call on the Subaru. My wife had a couple and they were great in the snow. First car we ever had with heated seats, too!

        • Naja Kaouthia
          310 months ago

          When I first moved here I thought to myself,”Damn there are a lot of Subarus here.”. The reason became abundantly clear during my first winter here lol.

        • @PopShark@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          I used to (sometimes skipping class) drive in the mountains almost every day when I was living in Boulder attending CU. I loved it and miss it dearly.

          • I’ve never been there but I lived in Banff, Alberta for a while when I was 19 (which was a while ago). I was cooking at a hotel there and living in residence. Sometimes I thought I’d stay there forever but I love the ocean, too. Jokes on me, I live in a city hours from the mountains and a day from the ocean now. :)

            Something about a mountain town after a snow storm… Pretty cool.

            Maybe I’m old but I love John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High. Takes me back.

    • @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
      610 months ago

      A few years ago I was stuck in a terrible traffic jam, five hours through ice and snow for a drive that should’ve been 50 minutes.
      A woman froze in her car in that jam, and since then I’ve made sure to always have a warm sleeping bag in the car.
      Also, heated side mirrors are so nice

    • @EliteCaster@lemmy.world
      110 months ago

      One variant of this I encounter is driving in the rain. I moved to SoCal from NY, and everyone here freaks out when it so much as drizzles, and there is always insane traffic due to accidents upon any precipitation…

  • @ominouslemon@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Speaking more than one language. Being from Switzerland, we’re required to study 2 languages (+ our native one) at school. So it’s not infrequent to encounter swiss people who speak 4+ languages

    • aardOPA
      6110 months ago

      In Germany it’s also mandatory - but learning the language at school unfortunately doesn’t necessarily mean you can speak it. LucasArts adventures contributed more to my language skills than my first English teacher. I’m always shocked about the lack of English skills in a lot of Germans when I’m back visiting. Rather surprisingly one of my uncles born in the 30s spoke pretty good English, though.

      We’re now living in Finland - me German, wife Russian, we each speak to the kids in our native language, between each other English. So they’re growing up with 4 languages.

      It’s quite interesting to watch them grow up in that situation. When learning about a new historical figure my daughter always asks which languages they spoke - and few weeks ago she was surprised someone only spoke two languages. So I explained that some people only speak one language - she gave me a very weird look, and it took a while to convince her that I’m not just making a bad joke.

      • @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1610 months ago

        Also Germany.
        I learned english in school but only enough to be able to read it.
        Once I started reading user submitted short stories (lile fan fics but different) my grammar really improved.
        Nowadays the content I consume is basically 90% english based.

        Just my capitalization and grammar structure sucks. Also my vocal skills as I have no one to talk to.

        But: I really have to thank my last Grundschul and Realschul english teachers. Without those two I may have never got into english that well.

        • @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
          210 months ago

          For me it was mainly watching films and tv shows in english. I’ve always preferred the original audio on anything, really. So it motivated me a good bit to become more fluent.
          The only german dub I didn’t hate was Breaking Bads’, and even then I wasn’t overly fond of it.

          • @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            210 months ago

            Can’t get over english cartoons dubs.
            Ben10, Avatar ATLA and spongebob sound so much worse in english compared to german to my ears. Could not enjoy it.
            Live action movies are usually equal or only slightly worse regarding original vs dubbed german.

        • @SoGrumpy@lemmy.ml
          -110 months ago

          Without those two I may have never gotten into english that well.

          FTFY. Not a dig, just correcting your already very good English.

      • @coffinwood@feddit.de
        910 months ago

        That’s a point current generation children are actively working on by following English-speaking streamers, communicating in predominantly English Discords, etc. The worst: my kid chose to prefer American English. Where did I go wrong?

    • @drekly@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      In the UK I was given the option of German or French, but I wasn’t taught very well, and could barely speak a few basic sentences after 5 years of schooling. If this is a common experience, as I believe it is, it results in a populace who speaks english only. (Obviously an issue exacerbated by the commonality of English on the internet and popular media)

      It blows my mind how inefficient my school must have been. Right now, I can’t imagine learning something for 5 years and retaining nothing.

      • @dingus@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I don’t know that it’s necessarily that it’s “inefficient”. Moreso that it’s difficult for a language to actually stick and be useful if you’re not immersing yourself in that language. You can go to class all you want, but if you’re not trying to actively immerse yourself in it beyond class, you’re not going to learn the language no matter how good the teacher is.

        It’s relatively “easy” to immerse yourself in English language content because English has sort of become the “lingua Franca” of the modern world. Something like Polish, for example, isn’t.

        • @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
          510 months ago

          I’m still not multilingual, but this concept made a lot more sense to me as to why I never retained my Spanish classes when I started learning programming. There’s a huge difference between say, reading a book / watching guides / reading tutorials on a programming language (which by itself generally won’t get you anywhere) vs actually following along, trying to make your own projects, etc.

        • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
          210 months ago

          How would a child do that, if no one in their community speaks the target language, outside of the ~90 minute class?

          • @dingus@lemmy.world
            510 months ago

            Well that’s exactly my point. It’s pretty “easy” to do it with English because there is so much English media to consume out there. A lot of shows and movies they want to watch are probably already in English. Their parents might speak English for work, etc. Less so with many other languages.

      • @RoquetteQueen@slrpnk.net
        1010 months ago

        Same with French here in Canada. I took French for six years and I still don’t speak it at all, and I actually did really well in my French classes.

        • @Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          Yep. French Immersion was the way to go if you started in elementary school or had above average academic skills for late immersion. I’m still disappointed I had to stop when I moved and getting to the school with the program just wasn’t feasible (had done two years of immersion prior). By the time I moved again it was Grade 10 and the presumed fluency was so high I would have struggled very badly.

          Now the best option is dating a French girl, but my wife has reservations.

      • Chaotic Entropy
        810 months ago

        It doesn’t help that outside of school, you will never use that language. Even if you go abroad, everyone either wants to practice their English or thinks your French/German is so poor that they’d prefer to just speak English.

      • @s20@lemmy.ml
        710 months ago

        I took Spanish for three years here in the States. Most of the Spanish I know now I learned after high school. This seems to be a pretty common problem in nations with English as the official language…

        • @vacuumflower@lemmy.sdf.org
          110 months ago

          Common for everybody learning a language in an educational institution without RL practice. Immersion, of course, is the best way to learn a language, - gives good results even if you didn’t know it at all before being, eh, immersed.

      • aardOPA
        210 months ago

        and could barely speak a few basic sentences after 5 years of schooling

        Thanks to events earlier last century pretty much everybody at least in Europe/Russia can speak a few basic sentences, and is often more than willing to demonstrate: “Haende hoch!” (hands up), “Nicht schiessen!” (don’t shoot) and a few others.

    • @theragu40@lemmy.world
      1910 months ago

      Oddly it’s actually very common (and required in some areas) in the US to study more than one language also. What is extremely uncommon are opportunities to use a second language, so very few people actually ever become fluent. It’s a shame really.

      • Exactly. Unless things have changed dramatically, one or two years of a foreign language is a requirement in high school, and there are more opportunities in lower K-12 these days from what I hear. However, you’re right that this is not especially helpful without some immersion, and the practice of trading your kids to a foreign family for a year is far less common. Then, after K-12, opportunities to practice greatly diminish.

        The German mother of a good friend moved to the US West coast when she was a young adult, married, and had my friend. She never lost her German accent. When I was in my early 20s, I had the opportunity to live and work in Germany for a couple of years, and when I came back, I was fairly fluent - enough to pass as a native from a “different region.” I visited my friend when I returned, and tried to have a conversation with her mother in German; she sadly informed me that she had forgotten most of her German, and could no longer converse… there are few opportunities to speak in German on the West coast, and even native language skills attrophy if unused.

        In a related annecdote, when I first returned to the states, I’d sometime fail to remember the English words for the odd thing, like “trash can.” All I could remember was the German word for it.

        All thay has gone away. Years later, I can barely hold basic conversations in German. Maybe some people have an ability to retain language skills without practice, but I believe it’s far more common to lose fluency you once had.

        • @theragu40@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          That’s a good anecdote.

          For my part I took Spanish from 2nd or 3rd grade all through college. I basically knew enough to be dangerous and it was occasionally useful in online chat where my broken Spanish was marginally better than some people’s non-existent English. But honestly the biggest strength was that I knew enough to be able to tell when Google translate did a bad job conveying my meaning.

          Nowadays I’m several years removed from the last opportunity to use it at all and I hardly remember anything. It’s definitely a “use it or lose it” thing.

        • kamenLady.
          110 months ago

          Reading always helped me to, at least keep the language alive in my head. So reading and understanding were never a problem.

          But conversation? That degrades quickly to the point where people ask you from what country you are visiting…

      • themeatbridge
        210 months ago

        It also has to do with the wide diversity of languages spoken. The elementary school where my kids go put out a statement during the pandemic that there are 32 different languages spoken by kids at home. They had gotten many requests for school communications in more than just English and Spanish, and had to explain why that wasn’t feasible.

        So there are a ton of bilingual kids in their school, but my kids could learn the 4 additional languages spoken by the kids in their classroom, and the following year they would need to learn 4 entirely new languages. They learned to count to ten in several languages, but like you said, they will never have the opportunity to become fluent if they don’t go somewhere less heterogenous.

    • Chaotic Entropy
      810 months ago

      Only speaking one language fluently makes me feel like garbage regularly, none of my schooling really stuck and I can never commit to language or feel enough confidence to use anything I do learn.

    • @NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu
      710 months ago

      In Sweden kids learn English from second grade and a third language from fifth grade.

      What really annoys me is how many programmers seem to expect us to only be able to understand one language. I much rather have the program made in English than to read a bad Swedish translation.

        • @NotYourSocialWorker@feddit.nu
          510 months ago

          Yes exactly. Google is a big culprit of this, for instance translating descriptions of apps in Google play or giving me results on Google search in Swedish when I specifically wrote it in English. If I had wanted results in Swedish I would have written it in Swedish. Adding quotation marks doesn’t even help. I miss the time when you actually got what you searched for and not what Google believes that you search for… YouTube has an issue in the app when looking at playlist. Since the word “visningar” is so much longer than “views” the rest of the line is cut off. So you for instance can’t see if the video was posted 1 month ago or 1 year. This is more a failure of gui due to translation than the translation it self though.

          On the subject of shitty translations: a budget webpage translated “disabled”, as in “this option is turned off”, as “funktionshindrad” which means a person with a disability. I bug reported it and the initial response was:

          We do not currently support this functionality, but will pass your feedback on to our product team, who will make a note of it and try to incorporate it into our product as soon as possible.

          Two months later they wrote that it would be forwarded to their product team for “whenever there’s an update in our system”. That was 10 months ago and it still isn’t fixed.

        • Turun
          110 months ago

          Presumably what they meant, yes. Sometimes YouTube translates video titles for example. Of course, the video is still in the original language, so it’s completely useless, except for videos without speech.

          Every program should have a setting to define in which language you want to interact with it.

          • @zaphod@feddit.de
            110 months ago

            YouTube supports multiple audio tracks these days and sometimes it decides that I should listen to a dubbed version of a video. Somehow all media players are very limited when it comes to settings for language preferences.

            • Turun
              110 months ago

              Which is ridiculous and funny, because our (at least 15 year old) DVD system can swap between audio tracks flawlessly!

    • @foo@programming.dev
      610 months ago

      Growing up in Australia I was required to learn a second language in years 7 and 8. All I can remember is how to say “and now cumshot” thanks to my friend and I finding his dad’s porn collection.

    • @tigeruppercut@lemmy.zip
      110 months ago

      we’re required to study 2 languages (+ our native one) at school

      This is crazy to me. I studied French at school for years and got to a decent enough level, but then when I tried to take Spanish later on I couldn’t deal with it. Maybe if they’d been concurrent it would’ve been a different story but I just couldn’t keep the languages separate in my brain. Then years later when I moved to a different country the French pretty much left my head as a new language replaced it.

      I guess I’ve only got one “foreign language center” in my head and only one language can occupy it at any time.

      • @ominouslemon@lemm.ee
        110 months ago

        Keeping them separate is a struggle! Especially if they come from the same ancient language. I have troubles separating like German and English, and also Italian and French. Especially when I try to speak German, I end up throwing in lots of English words and structures

  • @sndrtj@feddit.nl
    10610 months ago

    Knowing how to swim. Basic life skill in a water-rich country, but many expats can’t.

  • @viking@infosec.pub
    10110 months ago

    We learned swimming in primary school in Germany, no opting out.

    But having lived in several African countries and now in China, it’s surprising how many people not only can’t swim, but are deathly afraid of water.

  • @Nonameuser678@aussie.zone
    9210 months ago

    In Australia it’s not just knowing how to swim but where to swim and when. A lot of tourists drown in the ocean here because they don’t know how to read the waves / don’t have an understanding of the local area.

    • @Pea666@feddit.nl
      10 months ago

      Dutchy here.

      Most, if not all, children learn to swim when they reach age five. Lots of water here, it’s pretty much a basic life/survival skill.

      • aardOPA
        1410 months ago

        That leads to a follow up question to people from different areas: Is swimming a regular part of school sports?

        I grew up in Germany with pretty much no lakes, and we had blocks of sports classes in the swimming pool from first grade - didn’t make me a great swimmer, but I can go swim a bit in a lake without having to worry.

        Now we’re in Finland (lots of lakes here), and also swimming classes take place from first grade.

        • @SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
          810 months ago

          It’s generally not taught by default in US schools, but some schools offer it as an elective and/or as a competitive sport. Maintaining a swimming pool is an expense that many schools, especially in poorer districts, cannot afford. Outside of schools, there are sometimes community swim classes at places like the YMCA, but those require the parents to be actively involved (like with many extracurricular activities) and usually are an additional expense.

          Physical education is usually a mandatory part of US schools through high school (where students graduate at around age 18), and schools often offer students a selection of sports for PE - I did fencing one year and wrestling, gymnastics, and archery other years - but swimming requires more infrastructure than a basketball court and some padded mats.

          • Maintaining a swimming pool is an expense that many schools, especially in poorer districts can’t afford.

            German here: the solution for most of the schools I went to and heard of (elementary) was to get a bus to drive to the next public swimming pool and they’d let us use it for a few hours. The government is funding that. And that solution worked for most of them, although I only managed to get do my swim test after swimming classes in school because I was anxious about it.

            • Iron Lynx
              210 months ago

              NL here. It’s similar here. I remember the bus, our school would hire a coach to take group 3 (think six-year-olds) to swimming at the pool on the other side of town. And until you had at least one diploma, you were required to come along. By group five, everyone had at least a basic swimming diploma.

            • When I was a kid in Florida in elementary school, that’s what most elementary schools did, mine was next door to a swimming pool so we just walked. At the time I think it actually was mandated by the state - swimming pools in backyards are extremely common there and it was an upsettingly common occurrence for kids to drown in them, so they took a week to make sure we all knew how to tread water. I don’t know if Florida kids still learn how to tread water or if swimming lessons are now woke somehow.

          • aardOPA
            410 months ago

            Physical education is usually a mandatory part of US schools through high school

            In Germany the same - but swimming classes are mandated by law from grade 3 onwards, though we started going from grade 1 back then.

        • TortoiseWrath
          10 months ago

          American here. The nearest swimming pool to my hometown was in Canada. So no.

          Edit: I don’t think this is normal

          • @Fosheze@lemmy.world
            510 months ago

            Also american here and I learned to swim before I started preschool. But I also live in the land of 10,000 lakes so it’s basically a requirement here. So this is another one of those things that is going to depend on which state you’re in.

            • TortoiseWrath
              310 months ago

              Oh yeah, I make no claim that any of my experiences are anywhere near universal. Basically no part of the American experience is.

          • aardOPA
            310 months ago

            How big distances / population are we talking here?

            I was growing up in a small village, so in elementary school we went by bus to a nearby village with 7000 inhabitants and a swimming pool.

            Now we’re living in a town with a population of 46000 with its own swimming pool.

            • TortoiseWrath
              10 months ago

              Yeah, a small village. It would have been a half-hour bus ride to the town of ~5000, but they couldn’t compel all students to get a passport, and the nearest pool in the US would have been about an hour and a half away, so it was never part of the curriculum. Some kids had their parents drive them to Canada after school for private (expensive?) swimming lessons, but it wasn’t standard.

        • Call me Lenny/Leni
          210 months ago

          Not where I am. It never came up, despite water technically being everywhere. People just assume I guess. Still not something I can do.

      • @Pea666@feddit.nl
        110 months ago

        It used to be part of the school curriculum but it was often after most children had at least learned the basics in swimming classes.

        There’s dedicated swimming schools, run by swimming pools and overseen by the government.

  • @invertedspear@lemm.ee
    7210 months ago

    In the dry SW US the answer is drink water when it’s 100F or worse 115F+. Having a half liter of water from the hotel for the half day mountain hike, or pounding a half gallon of ice water and throwing up five minutes later. Your body doesn’t tell you when you should drink, it tells you when you are already behind on drinking.

  • @eosha@midwest.social
    7010 months ago

    Dealing with winter. I live in the rural upper Midwest, where winter can hit -20 with whiteout blizzards, week-long power outages, and car-burying snowdrifts. I’ve seen too many people move here from warmer places and think “I guess I’ll buy a warmer coat and a snow shovel”, rather than “I should have a backup generator, a backup heat source, a few barrels of spare fuel, a month’s worth of stockpiled food, and at least two different pieces of heavy snow-moving machinery tested to be in good working order”.

  • @Kazumara@feddit.de
    6510 months ago

    Here in Switzerland the question you ask is usually, “do you ski or do you snowboard”? It’s just assumed that you can do at least one.

    • @redballooon@lemm.ee
      3110 months ago

      Makes me wonder, is there a higher rate of knee surgeons in Switzerland than in the rest of the world?

      • i’d assume not. If you Ski and Snowboard regularly, like all season or every weekend, you’d know well what to do and have the supporting muscles to reduce the risk of injury. Most people that go there for winter holidays just Ski or snowboard a week in a year, but then all day long. That is more injury prone as the lack of training meets an extensive physical stress.

        Also people that do so in sports clubs will have specific training in the pre and post season times.

        • @AEsheron@lemmy.world
          110 months ago

          Yeah, but even if the chance per outing decreases a large increase in outings can still bring the average up. I was an avid skier growing up aND hit the slopes every year, the only surgery I’ve had was from a skiing accident in my early 20s when I was forced to wipe out or collide with another skier and snapped my ACL.

    • @totallynotarobot@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      Canada too. But there’s a generational divide wherein everyone <50 is assumed to snowboard, and re: skiing everyone assumes the downhill/alpine flavour only.

  • Jeena
    6010 months ago

    I guess here in Korea it’s eating with chopsticks. In Sweden it was Swimming (especially for my Indian work mates). In Germany it was opening a beer bottle with anything you just happened to have in your hand at that time. In Poland I’m not sure, but probably making those elaborate sandwiches for parties.

    • Call me Lenny/Leni
      710 months ago

      Is the chopstick thing a dexterity issue? I’m so more inclined for chopsticks that, if eating alone, I’ll use the other ends of my silverware like chopsticks (and I’m not a part of any chopstick culture).

      • @BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world
        310 months ago

        I dont think it’s so much an overall dexterity issue just a practice issue. Someone who doesn’t regularly use chopsticks might have really high hand dexterity but they just haven’t practiced that finger coordination. I.e. its easier to teach an athlete a new sport but a football players gonna have to practice to play hockey well.

        The most common mistake I see with infrequent chopstick users is overgripping and a low grip. If you squeeze too hard it not only fatigues your hand but it actually makes them harder to control, same for choking up on them. If feels more secure but it actually gives you worse control. For any one wondering a high grip and only as tight as you’d hold a pen should make it easier to use chopsticks.

    • jlow (he/him)
      610 months ago

      Yeah, opening a beer (or other bottpe with a capped lid) is a very cool skill to have (one which I haven’t really mastered since I drink beer very, very infrequently).

    • @MartinXYZ@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      In Germany it was opening a beer bottle with anything you just happened to have in your hand at that time.

      This goes for Denmark too.

      • @uberrice@feddit.de
        310 months ago

        Used to be the case in Switzerland, now most beer bottles have a twist-to-open cap that still looks like a normal beer bottle cap.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    6010 months ago

    How to walk on ice is a big one. How to cross a street is another one here in Chicago (hint: look at the cars, not the lights).

  • @mobilehugh@lemmy.ca
    5910 months ago

    If the country is big enough (aka Canada) these differences can be between provinces. People from Ontario can’t ride bulls, but every kid in Alberta can. Newfoundlanders can fish but Manitobans are afraid of water. In British Columbia you are taught how to roll marijuana cigarette in high school but in Nova Scotia scotch is the bag lunch drink of choice.

  • @TrueStoryBob@lemmy.world
    5810 months ago

    Southern Georgia, USA.

    This is more of a regional rationalization about occasional weather hazards. Here in coastal Georgia, we get snow from time to time, about a half an inch to two inches once every three to five years. There’s a lot of people from colder climates that move here for work or retirement; they hear “a possible light dusting of snow” on the news or from a weather app and think that means nothing. Where they’re from it’s just normal, happens every year and there’s often more. They’ll even laugh at us for shutting down the schools and staying home from work for freezing rain. Here’s the thing: no one here knows how to drive in snow and will likely only see black ice a dozen times in their lifetime. Further, we have no salt/sand trucks, we have no plows, we have zero civic infrastructure to meant to deal with our very occasional ice storm or light snow. It happens so infrequently that there’s no way to justify spending taxpayers’ money to prepare in that way for those kinds of situations. So we shut down the schools and most businesses for a day or so and everyone mostly stays home. We’re not necessarily unprepared for winter weather, we just prepare in a different way that makes sense for the situation.

    • Xavienth
      1210 months ago

      I mean, driving in two inches of unploughed snow isn’t a big deal where I’m from but that’s - as you mentioned - where everyone has winter driving experience, but also winter tires.

      • @TrueStoryBob@lemmy.world
        110 months ago

        It’s also that the roads aren’t treated and won’t be treated. Y’all are used to de-icing (or whatever it is) to help clear up all the frozen patches. We got 3.5 inches overnight like five years ago and, in some shady spots, the roads had ice for days afterwards.

    • @31337@sh.itjust.works
      310 months ago

      Same in central Texas. Moved here from a northern state. It’s much different driving on an icy salted road than an icy road with no salt. Cars don’t rust though. Trees aren’t used to it either, and drop tons of branches if we get freezing rain, causing vehicle and home damage and power outages. The energy grid and water systems aren’t made to handle cold weather either. Though, the energy grid and water systems can barely handle hot weather and droughts.

      • DaBabyAteMaDingo
        310 months ago

        I don’t wanna sound insensitive but being unprepared killed a couple of Texans during that horrible blizzard, no?

        • @31337@sh.itjust.works
          210 months ago

          Yeah, I remember reading about a whole family dying because a mother was running her car for heat in a closed attached garage. So, everybody died of carbon monoxide poisoning. I’m sure there were more deaths. Most people have all electric houses, so can’t heat or cook when power goes out. I was without power or water for about a week, but had a gas stove and drinking water stored (became a kinda “prepper” when covid first started).

    • @UnverifiedAPK@lemmy.ml
      110 months ago

      Further, we have no salt/sand trucks, we have no plows, we have zero civic infrastructure to meant to deal with our very occasional ice storm or light snow. It happens so infrequently that there’s no way to justify spending taxpayers’ money to prepare in that way for those kinds of situations.

      I never understood the mentality of “it only happens every couple of years so we’ll never prepare for it” It’s not like Georgia is spending that money on other public services like railways

        • @TrueStoryBob@lemmy.world
          310 months ago

          Right! Also I would rather our state, counties, and municipalities spend their emergency prep dollars on things that actually hit us hard and often… like hurricanes. We might not be ready for what Wisconsin considers a laughably small amount of snow, but those cheese heads have no idea what even just a Cat 1 named storm can do in just six hours.

  • @dQw4w9WgXcQ@lemm.ee
    5710 months ago


    Cross country skiing. It’s basically expected for every kid in school to be adaquate at cross country skiing. P. E. classes during winter could often consist of a ski trip, and a couple times per year the schools would arrange ski days with different acrivities on skis.