Regale us with tales of awful exes, terrible siblings, toxic Co workers and other nefarious characters you’ve encountered along the way in this journey we call life.

    1 year ago

    Um, my older brother.

    My older brother, as we speak, is trying to evict my Mom and Dad out of a home they spent 30 years and $400,000 to pay for. They didn’t save for retirement so they live off of DoorDashing, but they’re also elderly so there isn’t much they can do for work. I’m trying to help them raise money to save their home via GoFundMe.

    He committed fraud against them in getting them to sign over the house.

        1 year ago

        Yeah, mom wanted a dozen but couldn’t have any more after #11, so they started fostering. Then they started adopting and didn’t want to split up siblings who were related, and that led to the seven adoptions. They’ve got big hearts for sure.

        • 👁️👄👁️
          1 year ago

          Fostering is nice, but you’re running a barn with that many kids rather then having actually meaningful relationships. How big of a house do you need for that? How do you afford food for 18 people? It’s very irresponsible to take care of that many kids.

            1 year ago

            You’re absolutely right.

            The state government does have some funding to assist fosters, but those choices are also why they have no retirement.

    1 year ago

    My platoon sergeant in Iraq. Lazy piece of shit, never did his work. Would wear PTs for weeks on end. A really creepy guy.

    He got several women pregnant and skipped out on the kids. Got medically discarded from complications due to steroid usage. Claims all sorts of injuries that happened to me and my buddies so he can receive all sorts of perks and benefits. Has a custom built house gifted to him to account for the need for his mobility scooter, which he doesn’t need, got a free Harley, and got brought out and honored during an NFL game for being a hero, and he never did shit.

    1 year ago

    We was all at lunch one day at work and one of the supervisors came in and asked someone to do something when we finished lunch.

    This particular nasty shit told him this was our break and to piss off. No one particularly found that necessary.

    Supervisor guy apologised for disturbing our break, explaining he’s sorry and that it was the anniversary of his wife’s passing and he wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t one to disturb us on break normally.

    The arsehole then replied to the supervisor something along the lines of “we don’t bring our problems in work and neither should you, so fuck off”

    When the supervisor left, we all let the guy know what an arsehole he was for doing that.

    Possibly one of the worst people I’ve ever worked with. He eventually got fired for posting derogatory stuff on Facebook about the job/people he worked with and the supervisor we worked with had a lovely retirement send off when he hit his old age.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    1 year ago

    My brother-in-law. He’s not evil, he’s just… hollowed out. There’s not really a whole person in there anymore. Something’s missing: What made him him, but also what made him a functioning member of society. He’s just sort of a zombie that moves from job to drugs to sleep. He doesn’t recognize even close family members unless he’s expecting them.

    He used to be so kind, a talented musician, funny and clever. Don’t do hard drugs, people. Some trips you don’t come back from.

    1 year ago

    Myself, nobody has wasted more protentional and fucked me over more then me.

    Past Me is an asshole

    1 year ago

    Some guy that was invited to my friend’s wedding. She invited him because she felt sorry for him.

    At the wedding reception, he was going to each table that had any woman sitting there. He would try to flirt with all the women at the reception, even if their husband/boyfriend is sitting next to them. He went to my table and the first red flag was my friends went dead silent and gave him the death stare as he sat down. He tried to pull the same shenanigans, but left when he got bored.

    After the reception, my friend received floods of phone calls from her friends about this guy because of what he did at the reception and he was following some women when they were trying to leave.

    All in all, fuck that guy.

    1 year ago

    Not the worst worst, but a story I feel is fitting.

    I still remember in high school a new guy transferred in one year and was just the worst person to interact with, I’ve ever met. He would verbally insult everyone he talked to, literally everyone. I had the displeasure of sitting next to him in one of my classes and it was just nonstop. Thankfully, I didn’t take it personally cause I saw he did it to everyone. It became more tiring after a while, to hear him speak, rather than feeling insulted.

    I remember a large number of us spoke out against him to the teachers, but I forget if anything came out of it.

    1 year ago

    I have a few contenders I’ve met , but three stand out to me;

    1. The “guest” of an unfortunate flatmate I had some years ago. Scumbag came to stay with us for a few days after he had ingratiated himself with the flatmate (who didnt have the best judgement). I was already leery because he had facial tatoos, always a massive red flag. Within a week he had stolen some personal mail off me, a few CD’s (this was when they still had real value) and a few other items. He ws driving and trying to sell a car at the time that I suspect was actually stolen. He stole a bunch of stuff of personal value from flatmate, and I started asking around town, turned out he’d stolen personal items from a bunch of people. We got a posse together to hunt down the piece of shit, but he disappeared.
    • Year or two later his face turns up on TV, he was wanted for the kidnapping, sexual assault and anal rape of a four year old boy, along with using and dealing meth to kids. Oh, also it turns out he’s a neo-nazi, something I had my suspicions of at the time but this was pre internet so I had no way to search his tatoos to confirm.

    • So, neo nazi paedophile, meth pusher and all round scum. I did not like him very much.


    1. The partner of a good female friend of mine at a time she was very much at a low point and not making good choices. Also a neo nazi, gang member (Mongrel Mob a particularly evil vicious gang we have here). Fortunately she saw sense and split with him in fairly short order, shortly afterwards he was involved in a murder of some random stranger long with another gang member. Turned out he also had prior rape convictions as well, something which came as no surprise as that’s a prerequisite for membership of that particular gang Apparently he chain smoked so heavily that he would wake up periodically through the night to smoke. Hopefully he’s dead now
    • I disliked him the moment I met him


    1. The ex-partner and long term stalker of a lady I had boarding with me. Only one of the three not to have facial tatts, but turned out to be just as much of a piece of shit. I caught him on my property multiple times, chased him off, disabled his car when I found it in our street, and also trashed his job as a taxi driver - that was funny as hell, the idiot had given me as a reference some months prior before he split with the lady boarding with me. They’d split partly because he’d tried to molest her young daughter (about 12 or so at the time) plus he’d been hanging round schools trying to pick up kids. The taxi authority guy in charge of vetting applicants called in to see me to dicuss his pending registration as a taxi driver, so I told him EVERYTHING. Next week the piece of shit didnt have a job.
    • Shortly after that I caught him actually in the house, but the Police still didnt do a damn thing - as it happened he was also stalking someone else and got caught trying to burn their house down, he got put inside and while there got lippy with another inmate (absolutely typical for him) and he got the shit beaten out of him, was in a coma for months afterwards, and permanently disabled I believe. And that was the last I heard from him
    1 year ago

    I haven’t been out of the house in a decade, this past month I’ve got a job, and I hate everybody. Everybody wants to prove something, especially if they’re toxic, i hate it so much.

      1 year ago

      I hope I can say this nicely and that you’ll only take it how I mean it. But you haven’t been out of the house in a decade and you can’t stand a single person at your job - it sounds like you might have some issues with people in general and maybe some anxiety, anger, or something else. No judgement here and I don’t know your situation.

      I will say this: there are indeed really shitty, toxic, selfish, and narcissistic people out there. But most, probably the majority, are people just like you. They have their own anxieties, fears, doubts, idiosyncrasies, etc. They make mistakes and try their best to be happy and stay safe.

      I guess I would say just cut them some slack. Be someone they can feel safe and happy around. Don’t judge them too harshly. “Lest ye be judged yourself” and all that.

      Good luck though. I hope you find at least one good friend at work.