• WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The contradictions quoted directly from the genocidal monsters you’re defending, which are dumb, dishonest, and speculative?

    I’m sure you’ve shared your totally real explanation of the mask off genocidal admissions with your totally real girlfriend… who goes to another school… In another country - it’s all definitely real though.

    I wish you all the very best of luck in emulating Hitler’s exit strategy, Rudolph Jitler.

    • rdri@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      When I said contradictions and “speculative” I meant only unquoted parts. Quotes parts from named persons are pretty much irrelevant and I have neither time nor interest to verify them, especially when they are mixed with accusations of religious and/or other uninteresting nature and fake names.

      • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        You’re wrong and I’m defending a genocide - in just too lazy to explain why, and your quotes from the leader of the country she leader of the military are irrelevant… Fake news.

        You’re applauding the genocide of a group of people because of their race and religion, and you don’t understand why. You’re both a useful idiot and a monstrous piece of shit, deserving of the type of treatment that you’re wishing upon Palestinians.

        • rdri@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          You’re applauding the genocide of a group of people because of their race and religion, and you don’t understand why.

          I’m not applauding, it’s only in your head. If hamas fought for freedom they’d do it in a way that would not lead to current events. Even still, they can stop what’s happening by surrendering. I don’t need to care about their religion to understand that their actions are idiotic and will not lead to what they claim they’re fighting for.

          • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            The existence of Hamas isn’t an excuse for the genocide of Palestine.

            If Hamas all killed themselves publicly immediately, this wouldn’t stop.

            The Israeli government backed the rise of Hamas over moderate secular orgs - they’ve admitted to this. The Israeli government wants to commit a genocide in order to establish an ethnostate - they’ve admitted to this, and kill far more Palestinian civilians than Hamas - to say nothing of those they’ve forcefully displaced, and the rest that they confine to an open air concentration camp (which they’re currently bombing). The Israeli government supported the Hamas terrorists, knowing they’d kill Israelis, creating the pretext for what they’re now doing. This is monstrous.

            • rdri@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              If Hamas all killed themselves publicly immediately, this wouldn’t stop.

              It will, for the same reason why Israel couldn’t do the genocide publicly without “creating the pretext” beforehand. Because somehow they feel satisfying public is imperative.

              • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                So they won’t stop - they’ll be stopped.

                Israel, the dominant regional, nuclear power, have:

                • Established an apartheid state,

                • Confined their untermensch to concentration camps,

                • Promoted an openly hostile group to leadership of the untermensch, knowing hundreds/thousands would die, giving them an excuse to kill orders of magnitude more.

                • Restricted/cut water, food, power, trade and movement to the country-scale concentration camps.

                • Killed tens of thousands of civilians, injuring and displacing many more to advance a genocide to establish an ethnostate.

                • Will likely abandon democracy.

                …and they won’t stop until they’re forced to.

                • Why are you defending this unambiguously monstrous behaviour

                • How much further would Israel need to go for you to condemn them

                • Why shouldn’t the international community (i.e. The US) step in immediately?

                • Is there a meaningful distinction between Novemberpogrome-era (kristallnacht) Nazi Germany and Israel you can identify?

                • rdri@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  Why at some point you say Israel needs a public reason and very carefully constructed circumstances to start the invasion, but then say that Israel will not stop this invasion unless someone makes them? This absense of logic shows that your judgement is based on how you imagine a monster in your head, not on how real events play out.

                  If you allow yourself to assume I’m defending Israel, then I’m gonna assume you’re defending monsters who were, by your own words, put in power by Israel, and then for years were bombing both Israel as Gaza with barely working missiles.

                  You refuse the idea of hamas being able to stop the invasion by surrendering, so I’m assuming those people are more important than the rest of Palestinians for you.

                  Why do you ask me to condemn something if, by your own words, only the US is able to stop Israel? I’m not the US and they will not listen to me.

                  Looking for confirmation of some magic connection between something and nazi Germany is useless and only serves your own satisfaction in placing a “bad” marker on a monster you imagined in your head. Feel free to do that without anyone’s permission.

                  • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Why at some point you say Israel needs a public reason and very carefully constructed circumstances to start the invasion, but then say that Israel will not stop this invasion unless someone makes them? This absense of logic shows that your judgement is based on how you imagine a monster in your head, not on how real events play out.

                    If Israel doesn’t manufacture pretext, the US won’t be able to support them, which will stop the UN security council vetoes, military and financial aid, the dampener on international condemnation, and likely trigger direct intervention to stop the genocide - as it is, Biden has taken a massive hit at the polls due to his support. This is very simple, straightforward logic where’s the gap you’re insisting exists?

                    If you allow yourself to assume I’m defending Israel

                    What are you doing here if not defending Israel? I’ve given you ample opportunity to correct the record on this point, and you’ve consistently deflected to whining about the far lesser of two evils.

                    I’m gonna assume you’re defending monsters who were, by your own words, put in power by Israel.

                    Yes - I’m defending the group I called monsters (and evil in the paragraph above). You’re too stupid to sell these lies - don’t bother.

                    You refuse the idea of hamas being able to stop the invasion by surrendering, so I’m assuming those people are more important than the rest of Palestinians for you.

                    You’re going to need to explain your logic on this one. There’s zero logical connection between those statements.

                    Why do you ask me to condemn something if, by your own words, only the US is able to stop Israel? I’m not the US and they will not listen to me.

                    Because I’m underscoring the fact that you’re defending a genocide. You’ve complained about Hamas - WHY THE FUCK HAVEN’T YOU STOPPED THEM?

                    Looking for confirmation of some magic connection between something and nazi Germany is useless and only serves your own satisfaction in placing a “bad” marker on a monster you imagined in your head. Feel free to do that without anyone’s permission.

                    I’ve drawn a pretty clear comparison between the actions of Israel and one of the most uncontroversially evil groups in history (particularly to Israelis). I’ve invited you to point to a meaningful difference between one of the greatest evils in history and the group you’re defending, and you’ve failed.

                    Give me a reason to think you’re not defending a genocide rather than telling lies, pointing to fictional logic gaps and insisting I’m defending a group I’m actively condemning. It’s reeeally simple “Israel are committing a genocide - a completely indefensible act, which should see their leadership tried in the Hague” or alternatively, “What Israel is doing is fine because…” - at which point I’ll continue to ridicule you for your continued moronic, genocidal nonsense.

                    Over to you, Rudolph Jitler.