No. The substance of it is irrelevant to my argument. You’re still arguing ideas which content that is created is not. It may be intangible but it is not simply an idea. It is a manifestation of an idea and is, therefore, wholly different.
Not to put too fine a point on it - ideas are like assholes; everyone has them and most of them stink but the idea of an asshole doesn’t actually make you wretch the way the stench of an actual asshole might.
You’re still arguing ideas which content that is created is not. It may be intangible but it is not simply an idea. It is a manifestation of an idea and is, therefore, wholly different.
Not quite; what makes ideas incompatible with exclusive possession is the same thing that makes digital content incompatible with exclusive possession - their intangibility. A person can labor for years on an idea, and retain exclusive ownership over that idea having not realized it to others; “but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.”
The same applies to digitally represented media.
You’ve made a statement about the labor involved in producing an idea or digital media, and I’m making a statement about the nature of intangible goods. Embodied labor isn’t the same as some objective moral or ethical imperative, nor is embodied labor the same as value.
If you want to watch something enough to pirate it, it has value.
Everything else you said is a dishonest argument that you would not accept for your own time, work, and effort. The mere fact that an idea is materialized into something more than an idea invalidates the crux of your argument. An idea is just that. An idea materialized into reality, even an intangible reality, is still more than the idea itself.
If you want to watch something enough to pirate it, it has value.
I haven’t claimed it doesn’t have value. I’ve only challenged your implication that ‘value’ and ‘market extractive value’ are -or ought to be- in balance. If you can acknowledge that not everything that has ‘value’ has a commensurate ‘market value’, then you should be able to see that a piece of digital media can have ‘value’ but doesn’t necessarily have a commensurate ‘market value’.
Demand is only representative of market value where supply can be said to be reasonably restricted, and if supply needs to be artificially restricted in order to justify it’s market value then the circumventing of that restriction can’t really be said to be ‘stealing’ in the moral or ethical sense of the word.
It can if you’re ingesting the product. If you’re ingesting the end product then value and market extractive value are the same. Either you think it’s worth the price that the creator is asking or you don’t. If you don’t, then that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to view it for free just because you think they’re asking too much. It means you don’t get to watch it and they don’t get to be paid for it.
Everything else you said is irrelevant. The supply is the creator, not the product that the creator made. If they can’t make a living creating those products, then those products go away. Whether you want to claim that’s artificial or not is completely moot.
Sure it does, you just don’t like the substance of it.
No. The substance of it is irrelevant to my argument. You’re still arguing ideas which content that is created is not. It may be intangible but it is not simply an idea. It is a manifestation of an idea and is, therefore, wholly different.
Not to put too fine a point on it - ideas are like assholes; everyone has them and most of them stink but the idea of an asshole doesn’t actually make you wretch the way the stench of an actual asshole might.
Not quite; what makes ideas incompatible with exclusive possession is the same thing that makes digital content incompatible with exclusive possession - their intangibility. A person can labor for years on an idea, and retain exclusive ownership over that idea having not realized it to others; “but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.”
The same applies to digitally represented media.
You’ve made a statement about the labor involved in producing an idea or digital media, and I’m making a statement about the nature of intangible goods. Embodied labor isn’t the same as some objective moral or ethical imperative, nor is embodied labor the same as value.
If you want to watch something enough to pirate it, it has value.
Everything else you said is a dishonest argument that you would not accept for your own time, work, and effort. The mere fact that an idea is materialized into something more than an idea invalidates the crux of your argument. An idea is just that. An idea materialized into reality, even an intangible reality, is still more than the idea itself.
deleted by creator
Why? I have no need for synonyms when that world is perfectly clear and accurate for what is happening.
You being pompous and overly verbose makes you look bad.
I haven’t claimed it doesn’t have value. I’ve only challenged your implication that ‘value’ and ‘market extractive value’ are -or ought to be- in balance. If you can acknowledge that not everything that has ‘value’ has a commensurate ‘market value’, then you should be able to see that a piece of digital media can have ‘value’ but doesn’t necessarily have a commensurate ‘market value’.
Demand is only representative of market value where supply can be said to be reasonably restricted, and if supply needs to be artificially restricted in order to justify it’s market value then the circumventing of that restriction can’t really be said to be ‘stealing’ in the moral or ethical sense of the word.
It can if you’re ingesting the product. If you’re ingesting the end product then value and market extractive value are the same. Either you think it’s worth the price that the creator is asking or you don’t. If you don’t, then that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to view it for free just because you think they’re asking too much. It means you don’t get to watch it and they don’t get to be paid for it.
Everything else you said is irrelevant. The supply is the creator, not the product that the creator made. If they can’t make a living creating those products, then those products go away. Whether you want to claim that’s artificial or not is completely moot.
Wut? I thought we abolished slavery? The fuck are you talking about?
Lol, only if by ‘moot’ you mean ‘foundational’. All you’ve said so far is, ‘it’s stealing because that’s just the way it is’.
You’ve said this a couple times now, is this like some kind of safe word? ‘I don’t like your reasoning so I’ll just say it’s irrelevant’. LMAO.