“My kids don’t want to hang out with me after I dismissed their opinions as a mental disorder and the party I voted for tries to control their bodies! Why must I suffer? I didn’t do anything to them directly! These kids today are so unfaaaair!”
What a jackass.
I hope his kids have a great holiday. Good on them for standing up for their beliefs.
Shocking his three daughters don’t support a felon who publicly brags about sexually assaulting women and wanting to bang his daughter.
You’re so cringe I already have you tagged from another comment you made lmao
Thanks for helping me find out about user tags, this is revolutionary
I wish they were a Lemmy backend thing and not a frontend/per-app thing. I use more than one device (my desktop and my phone) to browse Lemmy, so functions that are local to only one frontend or app instance are useless to me.
Oh, so it’s only on my app? That’s much worse than I thought
The block user button: “Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power”
No way. I’d miss out on way too much free entertainment. Lemmy is full of dilusional takes.
It’s like a warning label.
Yeah I had to start doing it recently but I tend to save it for people with the worst takes
Yeah, yeah you are.
Chicken butt.
Snickers Got them.
I imagine you having a daily task of opening Lemmy, looking at your username, cracking your knuckles and then just going ham on being as shitty of a person as possible.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a troll or not, it’s equally as bad either way.
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I have a family member that doesn’t get this (thankfully just the one). It’s not that he voted for Trump, it’s all the shit he says. The casual “haha jk” racism when I introduced him to a Hispanic friend of mine. The fact that he will loudly talk about some things specifically to upset or annoy people. The fact that he thinks politics is a team sport and Trump’s win is a personal victory for him that somehow means he “beat” the rest of us.
Do we have the same dad?
Edit: Actually we cant be related, because this describes both parents, my little brother, and all my aunts/uncles/cousins, and grandparents and you said “One person”.
Aren’t these people basically hive mind?
I remember when they’d accuse everyone of being NPCs, then use the same collection of vapid catchphrases ad nauseum.
More like puppets with a talent for parroting.
“It’s not because you voted for Trump. It’s because you’re the kind of person who would vote for Trump.”
Some of them, I assume, are good people.
Yup, my family likely all voted for Trump, yet they all strongly dislike Trump, they just want to see the country move in a more fiscally conservative direction. Democrats don’t offer that, and Republicans give it enough lip service to convince them.
My family are absolutely good people, have LGBT friends and whatnot, and don’t care at all about “MAGA” crap.
Although even if a person appears to be decent human being, if they voted for Trump that tells you everything you need to know about who they really are. The whole “when people tell you who they are, believe them” deal.
While true the level of obnoxiousness when having to be around them for a bit certainly gets a lot worse with the “entire personality” type.
Oh, absolutely.
Hit the nail on the head. I am surrounded by conservatives at work. I’m friends with most. There is a huge difference between someone who leans right and the online MAGA trolls. They simply believe everything they see on Fox News.
We do have one guy who is like that, and everyone collectively rolls their eyes every time he says something. Everyone has met someone like this… tries to say something provocative, and acts surprised when someone is offended. “Oooohhh you can’t say anything anymore. It was a joke!”
This! ^^^
It works on the other side too - e.g. “I’m vegan btw, and voting to restrict access to your ability to eat meat”.
The difference seems to be that there was no incentive for Putin to set vegans vs. meat eaters against one another, while he very much is getting a ton out of having set conservatives against liberals. Whatever way we choose to fight one another, he wins.
What party in the US wants to restrict access to meat?
Didn’t you hear? Joe Biden wants to take your meat!
Uh…who’s voting to restrict access to meat again? What rights are “the other side” trying to restrict?
I realize your point is that Russia is trying to find any wedge issue they can to cause infighting, but that was a frustrating example.
A lot of Trump supporters are voting to cause direct harm to marginalized groups, and have made it a part of their daily identity. “If I caught a man using the same bathroom as my daughter, I’d fuck him up.” (real quote from someone I know)
A vegan voting to get rid of meat subsidies simply doesn’t want to pay for your meat. Or voting for animal rights isn’t voting to cause you direct harm like blocking crucial medical care. Also, most vegans usually keep to themselves. The only reason it seems like they tell everyone is how often they are asked, “wait, are you vegetarian?” every time they dare to order tofu/veggies instead of meat.
Source: I’m not even vegan or vegetarian, but have probably been asked a hundred times. I can only imagine how often a vegan is asked that question.
It works on the other side too - e.g. “I’m vegan btw, and voting to restrict access to your ability to eat meat”.
Who’s doing this?
The difference seems to be that there was no incentive for Putin to set vegans vs. meat eaters against one another,
Oh, you sweet summer child.
“I openly voted against the interests of my own children and also openly claim they have a mental disorder for their views.”
Get fucked.
These people really are clueless. No appreciation at all for how their actions affect others. They get surprised when people stop putting themselves in harms way by simply not being around them.
Want your family back? Realize that what you think is some free speech populist revolution is just an excuse for a lot of people to be assholes and expect no consequences.
to be fair, democrats think voting for trump is a mental illness too.
not on anyone’s side here, just pointing out the hypocrisy
It’s not that Trumpism is a mental illness, more like you need to have a mental illness to be a Trump supporter.
this is no different than the right calling the left mentally ill.
both of you think you’re right, and I think the real answer is nobody is right.
“As a rule, strong feelings about issues do not emerge from deep understanding.”
The dictators claims that all of their political opponents are terrorists is not analogous or equally valid to the terrorized political opponents calling the dictator a terrorist. If you can’t comprehend how those two groups are different — the logical separation between the conman who lies about everything and terrorizes his opponents, and every group he chooses to terrorize — then you either have the mental illness, or are most at risk to the propaganda (and future mental illness).
Pro tip! Only a fascist opposes ANTI-FAscism.
Please re-read the last line I wrote.
Hypocrisy is clutching your pearls and virtue signalling “Christian conservative values” while worshipping a “grab-em-by-the-pussy” false-profit who is the closest thing to the antichrist in living memory.
So yeah, only one of those groups has a literal mental illness, and they are also the hypocrites.
I let them vote how they wish
How wholesome
Isn’t he generous.
That was the word I was thinking of but couldn’t find.
Bless his heart.
That’s all you need to know about this shit stain.
But they certainly can’t do what they want with their own body! Why won’t they talk to me?? 😭
“I didn’t personally infringe on their rights at all”
All while voting against their interests. Sounds like a wonderful father.
That stuck out the most
There’s clearly more to this story. The simple fact that his username is “Conservative” indicates that he is one of those people that make their political ideology a major part of their identity.
This man is probably an insufferable ass.
Or he’s making it up.
I made my mother cry because she voted for Trump and I expressed my disapproval. She called my sister, who also voted for Harris, and my sister made her cry a second time.
We’re all having dinner tomorrow and we won’t bring up politics.
It’s fucking stupid to turn your back on your family over politics.
I think my mom made a stupid decision. Oh well. She thinks I made a stupid decision.
If your politics define you so much that you abandon your people or you’re not disciplined enough to keep your mouth shut at family events where you’ll convince no one, that’s on you.
They bring it up and end up having a bad day, that’s on them. We simply agree to avoid politics and religion. It’s not that hard.
Edit: We’re doomed. We really are.
Unfortunately, my continued existence is labeled as “politics” so no, someone who voted against my rights to exist is not my family anymore.
The genders: male and political. The colours: white and political. The sexualities: straight and political.
Yet somehow the most common politician is straight white male.
You know what we call Germans who disagreed with Hitler on some issues and yet still supported him?
Nobody cares, or will ever remember anything other than that.
I guarantee the same thing was happening back then, people cutting off their family members because they supported a fascist dictatorship
One of my family members voted against my wife’s freedoms, he’s not family us anymore.
It’s fucking stupid to turn your back on your family over politics
It’s really not. Politics determine your opinions and intentions regarding human rights and its violations. If my dad votes for Robodolf Mechahitler, he’s not my dad anymore. Someone voting for Trump would likely betray their own daughter when Gilead rises. If they wouldn’t, their vote is a contradiction to their character. I wouldn’t take something like this lightly.
It’s fucking stupid to turn your back on your family over politics.
Right? Which is why the person in the original post shouldn’t have voted for the guy that wants to take away the rights of his daughters. By voting for Trump, he chose politics over family, not his daughters.
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Gender affirming care
Healthcare in general
Healthy teeth
The pursuit of happiness
The right to their bodily autonomy.
Well, I see someone hasn’t been paying attention? As expected of a Trump voter, though.
It’s fucking stupid to turn your back on your family over politics.
I think my mom made a stupid decision. Oh well. She thinks I made a stupid decision.
If your politics define you so much that you abandon your people or you’re not disciplined enough to keep your mouth shut at family events where you’ll convince no one, that’s on you.
Yes. It is fucking stupid.
But you know what’s worse? Supporting a political party over your daughters, who are facing the very real possibility they will have to die simply because of a miscarriage, or no longer having the right to vote. That they will be forced to carry the baby of their rapist. that their daughters may no be entitled to an education- even the shitty ones now provided- the same way they were.
Facing those threats… because you voted for that political party.
They’re not staying away, or “turning their back” on family because of politics. They’re doing so because his politics objectively suck and absolutely will bring harm to them and millions like them. (that is. women. Not to mention racial minorities, immigrants, anyone whose different from the white, cisgendered, conservative male arch type.)
It’s so interesting to see the complete disconnection on here with everyone else’s life.
his politics objectively suck and absolutely will bring harm to them and millions like them. (that is. women. Not to mention racial minorities, immigrants, anyone whose different from the white, cisgendered, conservative male arch type.)
will, will bring harm. Not talking about past harm, not even mentioning current harm. Just FUTURE harm. All of the middle class people on here are just fucking hilarious with their world views. If you’re wondering why most of the population sits out of voting, well you’re never going to see it. Cue the average ivory tower response,
Sure I’m going to go over a waterfall as soon as I go around that bend in the river up there, but why should I get my canoe out of the water now? I mean, everyone knows if a problem is in the future it doesn’t really exist!
FYI, dude, it’s not in the future. Women are dying from miscarriages now. Racially-motivated assaults are on the rise now. Nazis are marching through the streets now. Orange Hitler and his Project 2025 cabinet wants to just bring this bullshit nationwide, and they will do so.
I’m assuming everyone was confusing my statement as some type of pro-trump comment or dismissal of the election results?
I was literally talking about everything you just stated. Everyone is worried about what the Trump presidency is bringing when we are already there in terms of disparaging and effecting the population with our government’s actions. Everyone’s holding their breaths and speculating on what the next presidency will bring while completely ignoring all the crisis’s that are on-going currently.
I’m also flabbergasted that everyone is afraid of what the trump presidency will bring while those same problems have happened for generations and like they don’t currently exist. I suppose people just want to be outraged and I’m not helping with pointing out he’s just making a horrible system become that much worse. These problems existed before Trump for most of the populace.
will, will bring harm. Not talking about past harm, not even mentioning current harm. Just FUTURE harm.
Motherf, he’s not president yet.
It’s absolutely not stupid to turn your back on family because of politics.
It’s not a sports team, it’s conscious decisions that affect the law and how we are governed.
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God damn. I find centrists to be spineless pussies of the highest order.
You aren’t the voice of reason you think you are.
I guarantee the same exact shit was happening in the 1930s. People being disgusted that their family members would side with fascism and turn on mentally ill, Jewish, and gays.
Would you say the same thing about Germans turning on their family? Both leaders fought for turning their country into a fascist dictatorship best strips liberties from certain people only
Drag wishes there were fewer people in the world willing to set aside politics for family. People like that are destroying the world.
All these fools huddling up in their tribes, hoping it will just go away.
I don’t talk to anyone on this planet outside of my house, I need to just delete social media and hope I die before humanity cannibalizes itself.
“I voted for the idea that women aren’t people, now the women in my life don’t like me.”
Conservatives never learn anything. It’s part of why they’re conservative in the first place. They don’t grow, expand their minds, or learn from life. They hit a point where they harden and ruin relationships.
I mean the point of conservatism is to “not change”, or “conserve” the old ways. Learning by definition means understanding new ideas which may even lead to trying new things, aka trying to “progress”, a leftist idea.
Many, many who vote conservative, used to be liberal. Haven’t you learned that most people turn conservatives as they get older? After growth, and learning more about life and politics, people tend to turn conservative…
The writing on the wall is plain and simple.
Through experience, people can perceive what politics actually effect their life/family/bottom dollar. The 40yo dumbass has seen president’s come and go. The 20yo dumbass might not even have voted for a president yet. But which dumbass probably has a better formed opinion?
As it’s also fondly called, the “Fuck you, I got mine” phenomenon.
100% of the conservatives I’ve known in my life were this, and the libertarians were the same. They have a narrow, self-centered view of everything, and think that everyone has the same exact opportunities they have. If someone isn’t as successful as they are, instead of acknowledging that everyone has a unique set of barriers and experiences, they dismissively write it off as them being lazy.
I gotta say, I’m becoming more lefty as I age. I grew up with an emphasis on personal responsibility, self reliance etc. Those principles still ring true with me. But I have seen them twisted by conservatives to be used against individuals in the interests of the 1%, the corporations. Trump doesn’t even pretend to play by the same rules. He has literally said “I take no responsibility at all” while as the president for things he was in control of. That’s not a leader, it’s a ruler.
In my experience, the loudest conservatives I’ve met have all fallen into 2 categories:
Explicitly “fuck you I got mine” I can at least appreciate the honesty with these ones.
And “I haven’t read a book since 12th grade, and now I struggle to read at a 2nd grade level.” And that’s just performing the act of reading. Actual comprehension and critical thinking are completely beyond them.
The religious types are part of the equation too, but my area isn’t particularly religious, so I don’t often come across those assholes.
The religious types are really just subsets of the other types who want to play the “See, it is not me saying all those bigoted things about you, it is my god” card to avoid counter-arguments.
I’ve heard this multiple times and have very rarely seen it apply. Usually if they’re conservative in their later years, they always were. It just wasn’t as prevalent or talked about. I’ve been a lefty since I was a kid and have not deviated at all.
It’s like people that once supported Bernie now voting for Trump (they’re a strange anomaly but they exist). They were never actually liberal. They either voted entirely on vibes and feels, or they got swept up in the wave of others around them. Then eventually their true self surfaces.
People grow more conservative when they have something to conserve. Also because they’re wanker and weren’t raised right.
I find that they’re usually fixated on materialistic things. They get a little money and it goes to their head.
Also the world moves towards progressiveness by definition so people who still have the same views with 80 as they did with 20 are probably more conservative (in the traditional sense of the word) relative to the rest of the world.
I don’t think age makes people conservative, I think power makes people conservative. If you accumulate wealth and power then you may become conservative in order to protect your wealth from taxes.
Just as others in this thread have said, it’s the “fuck you, I got mine” attitude.
It could be “learning more about life and politics” or it could be “becoming senile and having a steady diet of FOX News, Facebook, and YouTube”. Since higher levels of education are correlated with leftist politics, I’m betting on the second one.
I used to be more leaft leaning when young yes. Now I turned 40… I’m feeling anarchist I tell ya… Burn everything stop oppressing no one should have power.
No, that’s just one of those sayings that goes around. It’s the assumption that people make more money as they age thus causing them to be more conservative. Maybe this was true in the 80s
I am 44 and went from conservative to liberal. My parents always told me I would switch as I got older and that was wrong. What I learned was conservatives want three things: money, controlling people, and being allowed to say the quiet part out loud.
What amazes me is conservatives are “Christian” yet don’t want to provide health care to people. I don’t remember Jesus in the bible healing people then asking for payment later.
Everyone is dynamic and unique, and no one’s experience is the same as another’s. Of course. I speak in generalities. Personally, I grew up identifying as conservative, then around 23, as my political opinions changed, I considered myself a liberal. That lasted about a dozen years, but now, again, I consider i probably fall more into the conservative camp.
“Now I have been informed that all three children are boycotting thanksgiving”.
Hmm, maybe it has something to do with shit talking them on twitter. Maybe, and this is just a guess, the family gatherings are not politics free zones but full of conspiracies and drama and more shit talking. Just a guess. But none of this is his fault, it’s those damn brainwashed libruls who are spoiling his fun. Now how is he going to do his trump victory lap if his daughters stay away?
Pretty sure they’re not boycotting thanksgiving and just boycotting him. They’ll probably have the best thanksgiving together in years.
Chuds don’t deserve love or respect from anybody.
“I let them”
Dudes showing internally he thinks he controls their votes. That he could’ve not let them had he chosen so.
So his daughters should be thankful for such a benevolent patriarch. /S
He clearly said in context “I let them vote in peace without objection or argument frome me”. Kind of like how I can either let your comment go or choose to respond without claiming to have control over you. The man is still ignorant AF though.
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I’m sorry, I think I misunderstand you. Are you suggesting you’d be an a****** for trying to persuade your friends and family to vote the way you want them to by voicing your objections, opinions, and making arguments?
Well it’s kind of semantics. The symbolism behind this is not the hill you’d want to die on. Letting somebody do something can either be allowing it or simply not disallowing it. I hate Trump and his low IQ followers, but that sentence does not imply anything.
can either be allowing it or simply not disallowing it
When I go take a shit, did you allow it, or not disallow it? Neither, because you have no agency over me, so it’d be a stupid fucking sentence.
I’m not saying he thinks he owns his daughters like some 16th century inbred minor noble.
But connotations and implications can exist even when they weren’t particularly intentional by the writer (or speaker.)
I let you waste my time but somehow I’m implying I own you.
Sure buddy.
You’re welcome for not disallowing you to post this. I will also allow you to reply with something snarky if you like.
Sure buddy
Just to be clear; I let you say that. /s
I’m very thankful for that
You are contriving crap out of thin air here.
Conservatives seem to have this weird belief that if they tried something and failed, then everything should be as if they never tried at all. Like, “attempted murder” just isn’t a thing in their eyes.
Maybe it’s just how their fragile egos handle not winning everything always.
Like, “attempted murder” just isn’t a thing in their eyes.
“You see, Birch, I’m presently incarcerated for a crime I didn’t even commit! ‘Attempted murder.’ Ha! Now, honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry? Do they?!” - Sideshow Bob from the episode of The Simpsons where he literally becomes the Republican mayoral candidate after calling into a right wing talk radio show.
When Trump won and starting talking about how unlikely it was, I half-expected him to break out into evil laughter ala Sideshow Bob in this scene. Which certainly would have been more honest.
Could he then get dragged through cactai while strapped to someone’s undercarriage and then step on rakes indefinitely? That’d be swell.
The love the fucking around, but they want to eliminate the finding out
They don’t win everything always?
With lines like “[your political opinion] is a mental disorder”, why is he surprised they aren’t coming?
what would you call trump voters?
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but the right says the same about the left
It’s kinda sad that we ended up in this political division. It’s also sad that increasing hate and and anxiety (and missing education and reasoning) fuels this dumpfire of societal development. That doesn’t really increase hope in the future, as stuff like climate change further accelerates this…
I don’t see it so much a political division as it is that most of the world is simply not very intelligent.
It’s both, and not a contradiction? But I’d say the USA is indeed more progressed with this. Like both sides. They got really intelligent people but a lot of dumb people. Compared to other western societies, more, the toll of slowly erroding education and the split between poor and rich is progressing harder. Same with things like obesity which as we know of research is bad for brain development (rather the food that leads to this).
Yes I think intelligence is a spectrum and that neither side is more “correct” than the other.
I think there’s good and bad ideas from both sides depending on your perspective, and we have to concede that nobody has all the answers, and that we don’t know what we don’t know.
Probably… For me it’s more about the things that should be obvious, like burning fossil-fuels will extremely likely lead us in a worse state. But it seems that a big percentage of the western population doesn’t want to believe facts and logical reasoning anymore and I think this is a very dangerous thing, as we have seen in 1920-1945.
I’d call Trump voters Trump voters. I’m not sure I understand the question.
I’m just pointing out that both sides think the other is dumb.
And I don’t think either side is correct.
And this is exactly why I don’t affiliate with either major party.
I used to consider myself Republican because I was frustrated at the majority party (Democrat) always messing stuff up in my home state. I ended up moving for school to a red state, and the majority party there was always messing stuff up. It was then I realized that the problem isn’t with one party, it’s with politics in general.
I registered with the largest third party in my state (happens to be Libertarian) and I vote for whatever candidate I think is least bad. In 2016, that was Gary Johnson, in 2020 it was Joe Biden, and in 2024 it was Chase Oliver. It doesn’t really matter who I vote for because the R candidate will always win with at least 20% margin, so I vote my conscience.
I’m not saying both sides are the same, I’m saying both sides age liars and massive disappointments.
You think I’m unaware that some Harris voters would say “Conservatism is a mental disorder”? Is that your point?
Your dinner, their choice
Well, golly gee, he “let” his independent, grown-ass adult offspring vote for the candidate of their own choosing. I can’t imagine why they’d spurn him after such selfless and generous act.
The vice president elect said people with kids should get more votes. The next step in that slippery slope is to have control of your grown-ass kid’s votes until they know how to “vote properly”.
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Slightly off topic:
When my parents divorced, I was bummed out that I had to attend two thanksgiving dinners. The second was not turkey. We charred hot dogs over an open fire (lived in the midwest at the time) and made smores. It was pretty great.
This had nothing to do with the election. It’s just a nice memory.
bummed out that I had to attend two thanksgiving dinners
I’m not skinny enough to understand this sentiment
Check out this random story from some guy.
I, too, choose this guy’s second dinner.
“Liberalism is a mental disorder” These people are very telling how they treat people who they think legitimately have mental illness.
Conservatives 🤝 Liberals
“The political positions I dislike are caused by mental illness”Socialists: "Hey guys maybe we could try not denigrating mental disorders? Maybe we could try building a left wing that welcomes and accepts the neurodivergent and marginalised?
Liberals: “Fuck you, we’ll never accept psychopaths like Trump!”
Socialists: “I never agreed with you that Trump is a psychopath. We don’t have to accept Trump in order to treat ASPD folks with dignity!”
Liberals: “You’re disgusting, enabling abusers like that. If we treat psychopaths with basic dignity, they’ll only use it to abuse us!”
Yeah, that definitely sounds like a real conversation.
Oh, so now they’re delusional too?!
And even if it were, we should totally go to the extreme of tolerating psychopaths
The name of that socialist? Albert Einstein.
And everyone clapped.
Words like psychopath have a common usage for people not in psychology/psychiatry. I’m sorry that we’re not meeting the clinical definition that you want, but I don’t think ranting about it all over Lemmy is going to help anything.
When the average nonspecialist individual thinks “psychopath” they think of someone like Hannibal Lecter, who is dangerous and must be locked up to prevent them harming others, and that’s not going to change from a short form text post. It would take a semester of psychology.
Not having empathy should be cause for at least suspicion in and of itself
That’s a very vague statement. You didn’t specify which type of empathy. For example, cognitive empathy is the ability to intuit what other people are thinking. Autistic people tend to have less cognitive empathy, which is related to the poor social skills. It’s hard to participate in social situations when you have a clinically significant inability to read minds. Drag doesn’t think you want to treat autistic people with suspicion, so why don’t you work on clarifying your statement to an appropriate level of specificity?
Then we should make psychology a compulsory subject in high school.
Yeah drag, we probably should. More education is pretty much always good
Unfortunately, most Lemmy users are past high school age, so we’ll have to educate them ourselves.
Yeah, but remember the honey and vinegar metaphor.
Actually, flies love vinegar. It smells like rotting flesh, which is a great place to go lay eggs.
This unintuitive fact matches the truth that being rude to people is an important part of the process of personal growth. Getting people to change takes a carrot AND a stick. When they do change, they’ll remember the carrot more easily. But the stick is important too. You can see this politically with the fact that the government likes to praise MLK for his nonviolent methods, but Malcolm X is the one who got Reagan to pass gun control laws in California. MLK’s movement was threatening because the politicians knew that if they didn’t work with the nonviolent protesters, those protesters would join movements like the Black Panthers. Likewise, rude leftists encourage people to be more open to listening to the polite leftists in their lives. The rude ones raise the stakes.