Not only will you die, but so will your entire family and your pets.
This is so you are incentivised to stay alive.
You cannot refuse this, refusal is also instant death, along with everyone mentioned above.
You have absolute authority over the entire world.
Every person has a non-removable brain implant that allows them to vote “Approve”, “Disapprove”, or “Abstain from vote”. These are completely immune to hacking.
Every above age 18 can vote.
You must maintain 50% + 1 vote of “Approve”, exactly 50% Approve / 50% Disapprove still means death for you. “Abstain” is not a vote means it isn’t counted.
The effects don’t apply until at least 50% of the population has voted. If you get more 51% disapproval, you’ll still live as long as theres less than 50% of the votes submitted.
If someone dies before voting, their vote automatically becomes “Disapprove” (So you don’t get any ideas of committing genocides)
Once a vote is submitted, it stays valid even if the person died. A person could also make their implant automatically change vote if they die. So someone could have their vote be set at “Approve” but becomes “Disapprove” upon death.
Easy. High taxes on the rich and spend that money to give good universal social programs, and also avert climate catastrophe. The tiny fraction of rich people will disapprove but screw them anyways.
The hard part is getting the political will to do the obvious right thing when politics is controlled by the rich.
There is no way. People would say they disapprove just to watch you fucking die, even if you gave them everything they wanted. Fuck that.
Not what I would do, but the safest way is to villify then execute small and unpopular minorities (in the minority/majority sense) and then cater to the monolithic block that emerges. Super evil but it works.
Any simple majority is, I suspect, systematically like this
Lol that sounds like Germany in 1933. So horrible and immoral, but like… it worked. Dude has so much support and everyone else was just apathetic and didn’t oppose him.
If I have absolute control of the media, this seems ridiculously simple. I’ve no interest in material possessions or the hoarding of wealth, so I’ll implement large scale tax reform designed to reduce our current levels of income inequality, kill oil subsidies in favor of green tech investment, truly universal worldwide healthcare, and mandated percentage worker ownership of companies.
The problems of our world are manufactured by those currently in power in order to enrich themselves. While it might take a few generations to fix the communities plagued by religious toxicity with widespread access to a good, secular education, I truly believe that limiting the capitalist’s ability to rape and pillage would be enough to maintain widespread popular support. Provided, of course, that those capitalists can’t use their control of the media to discredit and slander me to the point people vote against their own self-interests.
Step 1. Ask the world for 1 year decision amnesty while I get my bearings.
Step 2. Bring together the different government run hacking groups and direct them to obtain the root certificates the devices use to communicate back to the tallying servers.
Step 3. Rewrite all death votes to be approved.
Step 4. Scrub the internet of this entire thing. Because if it isn’t on the internet then did it really happen?
Step 5. What world leader? You all vote for your own national governments.
Step 6. Return to be a nobody because fuck that pressure.Nah, you cant hack this shit because it has plot armor. Call it “magic” “divine intervention” or whatever, you just cannot hack it.
I mean you can put out propaganda to manipulate people, but you cannot hack the system, its just has unhackable firewall.
Ok, absolute power route it is.
All proposals must be voted yes by the populus.
Lolol this is the 2nd comment point this out.
C’mon I just wanna a fun scenario, why ya gotta point out the plotholes? 😅
Well don’t give us absolute power mate. :D
How much control of the media do I have? Will fox news be all “president figjam helped raise 2 million people out of poverty with YOUR tax dollars!”
How frequent are the votes?
You have absolute control of the media. However, keep in mind, if you start censoring things, people might not like it and “disapprove” of you, and if you have 50% disapprove and you’re dead.
Votes are basically always active.
Basically like how social media has your “status” set like your mood being happy or sad. This is similar, but Approve or Disapprove.
Once its set, it remains that way until changed. But people could also set it up so that it auto switch to “Disapprove” upon dying, as a dead man switch, to disincentivise you from killing people. And if someone dies before interacting with the voting system, its an automatic “Disapprove”. (Basically, don’t start doing massacres or your disapproval will rise)
Basically, you live as long as less than 50% are “Disapprove” or if there are less than 50% of the votes submitted.
“Abstain” doesn’t count towards the approve/disapprove numbers, but does count towards the vote percentage. (Example: If you have 25% disapprove, 20% approve, 5% abstain, and the remaining have not yet interacted with the voting system, total vote count is 50%, and your disapproval (of those who voted) is higher, so you are dead.
TLDR: There are no election cycles, you are constantly judged.
No more homework, ice cream for everyone, bedtime is at midnight instead of 9
No more homework
Parents immediately disapprove, you dead
Establish a system where voting Approve provides tangible personal benefits, Abstaining remains a safe, comfortable default, and Disapproving results in immediate personal drawbacks. Maintain a decent standard of living, encourage open non-violent expression, and quickly address problems so people rarely feel compelled to choose Disapprove. By making Approval the path to greater prosperity, Abstention harmless, and Disapproval costly, the majority either Approve or simply do nothing, ensuring that discontent never coherently organizes into a mass disapproval large enough to threaten your life.
Free cheesesticks for everyone!
I’d rather die. But while we’re at it, I’ll make it my goal to get everyone to vote against me. The world will at least have a taste of unity against a common enemy for once. It shouldn’t be difficult anyway.
Universal healthcare for all.
I would promise some pretty decent things. Then, secretly, hire a “shady” group of people (in exchange for loads of money) to design and implement a device that would eradicate the world via nuclear chain reaction, lock the device and give me control so that only I can activate it, give me the ability to set a trigger function so if i did die instantly, it would automatically activate.
Basically blackmail them into this approval rating BUT follow through with every promise. Which goes:
Divide the world into certain “geo-categories” where they will be transported and accommodated based on their values and governmental/economic ideals. Of course, this isn’t perfect. There are possibly infinite combinations of “rights” people want today. Most would be modeled after existing countries. You can pick a country and move there. Any countries that have very similar governing styles would be linked in sub-governing bodies but not physically linked.
Most places would be complete with freedoms, but instead of democracies, they would apply to move to another jurisdiction that supports their views. Not forced but given financial accommodations and means to do so. I would appoint the leaders and from them on they will be voted on for the most part.
Vote for me: you get pretty much any freedoms, liberties, and rights. Equality and equity. Those who really want to live in a dictatorship sub-government would just move there, but I doubt anyone truly wants that. Other than that, I wouldn’t control much just oversee every country’s actions and maybe intervene in cases of natural disaster and to block proposals of war.
- because of the elimination of economy types, all current money would be converted into a worldwide currency. No income tax. Everyone who worked would accumulate “points” and spend them. Trade would be free and worldwide, no tax whatsoever needed. No need for gold to back anything up if all countries will now be awarded these points based on the debt they are owed. Prices of common necessities and commodities needed for life would have price caps. No limit on how low a price can be. Monopolies can exist with a requirement to donate substantial amounts to charities and a fund to be given to a jurisdiction’s government to find a business to become new competition which would then eliminate the monopoly. So, the incentive to not monopolize would be that they would have to fund any future competition for a while until things get closer to a balance.
Healthcare is provided as a percentage of income rather than any fixed rate. This allows medical professionals to still be paid efficiently, but everything is affordable. Everything can be turned into a percent based payment plan and based on household income. All factors of monthly expenses: bills, food, etc will be considered. So, if you are injured, you can’t afford that vacation anymore because that isn’t a necessary expense and some of that will be factored into payment plans.
Everyone’s credit is converted into a percent of 100. 100 percent being that they always pay on time-- including utility bills. Anyone with bad or negative credit or any hits to their credit will be reset to zero. To build back to 100 would take an average of a year. All debt will be awarded to collectors and debtors as points with no loss to those who owe. They would then be reset to zero credit. New debt would work the same as today but must be paid back as a percentage from now on and cannot be a financial burden or it will be paused. Wages will be garnished based on a percent in this manner. In other words polel will always be able to afford any basic living expenses. Debt does not include mortgages, or loans to be forgiven but converted into a percentage payment plan. If someone accrued many types of percentage based payment plans for debt, such as medical, home, car etc, it will be calculated only after basic expenses are paid. (Housing, utilities, food, transportation to work, school for children)
Money will be made by working, selling things or awarded in cases of disability or retirement. All retirement ages would be the same–60 yrs old.
All businesses’ worth will be converted into these global points. (Name of currency to be determined)
Basically everyone and every entity’s wealth will be the same just in a universal currency. Probably the currency unit that is worth the most every thing would be measured against and converted and then all converted to this universal one.
Laws will be changed based on common sense of leaders which can be freely elected for one year at a time for all positions and most countries. If you create a dictatorship, the laws have to be fair and cannot restrict travel.
Rights to bear arms would be upheld on a condition of no criminal history. All would have trackers that are designed to emit a signal and if broken (and no longer emitting) would flag a system and would be confiscated. Any public areas would alert a system if any armed individual enters that area. This is to stop sub-governments from initiating any corrupt control acts. Police would be government funded, require yearly license renewals and an annual mental health and competency test. Free of charge.
All education would include funding based on a fee that is also a percentage, so you won’t be broke. Language classes for immigrants would be free.
Since all money would be digital and points based, it could be given infinitely by the government. Trade would be free. A country would export and automatically get points from the other government without the other government losing money. There would be no way to just give money for no reason. It would either be from trade, work, or selling a product or service based on an unhackable machine locked with the security of the global government, me. (A bio key, perhaps)
This would require a little extra trust between sub-governments to not exploit the system and freely give points( for example based on a trade scam where a country could set a price and the government can just give points for it without losing money) it will be audited monthly by use of an advanced AI algorithm. All trade will be based on demand (and supply obviously).
If something is rare, there would be a price cap increase for trade.
So, you are making an observation that money here is less valuable, right? Well, the government can’t give any money without a justification for it being earned. Also there will be import caps based on supply and population, so no one buys out an entire country’s monthly export supply.
I may have overlooked some flaws but it will evolve.
Don’t vote for me: RIP earth.
Lol, chaotic, lovely.
Also what did the animals on the planet ever do to you? Animals can’t vote ye know?
But look at the bright side. All of my promises will be kept. No one has to perish. After all, if I can’t refuse of course I am going to make it so they can’t either.
Keep saying I’ll make things better but never take the political risks necessary to actually do it. Give the financial industry everything it wants.
Year 1: Eliminate Food and Water poverty.
Year 2: Porn is legalized everywhere, and there’s a world government official porn site that’s always free. Free smartphones for everyone as well.
Year 3: Universal Housing and sewage.
Year 4: Sex work is legalized everywhere (this might be popular enough to coast you an extra year) and ensured to be safe for the sex workers.
Year 5: Universal Child care
Year 6: Drugs are legalized everywhere
Year 7: Universal Elderly care (+ free healthcare for the USA weirdo country)
Year 8: Universal Education and media translation to top 10 most spoken languages. Also the top media franchises of each existing country will be freely available online now as well in a “cultural digital vault”.
Year 9: Eliminate country borders, issue new universal passport, set up new cultural ethnic / geographical regions instead that exist only to help with political and business management. Begin 5 year disposable plastics phase out (medical exception though), eliminate plastics and pseudoplastics from foods and cosmetics, Worldwide public transportation system + Continental Hypertrain System project. Set up a world government that can only be compromised of elected STEM degree holders that have a job in their role, and bars anyone that has ever owned / owned a company or worked in any petroleum based industry. Esperanto is also more the official world government language, Linux and FOSS official world government software usage, and lawyers can now only work under the government for fixed rate. Everyone has access to a lawyer by right. These foundational laws cannot be changed.
Also announce I have been contacted by extraterrestrial life, and was told they will greet us if we survive the great filter and set up solar system wide travel and infrastructure as a species. Oh, and limit wealth/assets to be no higher than 200 million euros equivalent (inflation adjusted) worth. There will be a new currency set up as well.
Year 10: Announce I’m “retiring” from direct rule but will intervene if 57% of the world votes for me to enact something. Die probably. If the alien and world government gambit does pay off, maybe coast off previous popularity for a couple years and just have fun until summoned or dead.
Send out a mailer periodically to everyone in the world say how your government helped you and your family this week.
Pay a bunch of influencers to speak nuanced praise. Yes, it’s a propaganda machine, but without one, disapproval would arise based on completely non-factual bases.
Institute a fair taxing system, that allows successful people to get reasonably far ahead, to a limit, but does not leave others behind at their expense.
Train up a large joint military exclusively in de-escalation and disaster response. Squabbles between belligerent parties would just be flooded with this neutral force to mediate the issue and ease tensions as quickly as possible.
Tackle worldwide issues of health and disease, climate change, food security, shelter, social mobility, education, transport. Each country would be incentivized to make their own countries’ resilient, but other neighbours would chip in resources if one is falling behind or is hit by disaster. Institute worldwide minimum safety standards for all labourers and empower individuals to report unsafe conditions.
Slowly modify religion (release new versions of the Bible, Quran etc. that remain mostly true to their origins but emphasize the “be nice to each other” parts and remove the “kill anyone that doesn’t believe this/doesn’t follow these rules to the letter” parts). Bring leaders of these religions together to discuss promoting inter-religious peace.
Hold annual community pride, national pride and world pride days, to celebrate humanity’s accomplishments, establish unity and comradery with your neighbours, and an opportunity to give casual feedback to your local authorities, national authorities, and me (before they hit the disapprove switch, hehe).