I recently switched from endeavouros to opensuse TW after joining the linux world 4 months ago (im a linux newbie) and i like the distro so far, but there’s one catch

There’s no sudo apt autoremove equivalent for opensuse and i find it really hard to choose which old .config, cache and other junk files i can delete to save space.

Can someone help me?

  • aardA
    1 month ago

    zypper remove --clean-deps removes automatically installed requirements when removing a package. zypper packages --unneeded will show a list of packages no longer required.

    Setting solver.onlyRequires to true in /etc/zypp.conf does not install recommends - it’s way less of a problem than on Debian/Ubuntu due to not recommending half the world, but still useful. Setting solver.cleandepsOnRemove will automatically remove automatically installed deps when removing a package (i.e., like always specifying --clean-deps).