I’m not very familiar with how Wikipedia vets the sources in the references/external links. I was wondering whether there are manual or automated checks for cyclic sources, for example a Wikipedia page cites a source for something, but such source after a few rounds of citing would go back to the same Wikipedia page.
- Does that happen with Wikipedia?
- Does it matter? I presume that would invalidate the source?
- How do they make sure it does not happen? Is there an automated check or something?
That actually once happened deliberately with the page https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-Theodor_zu_Guttenberg. It’s a German politician with a lot of names. So someone added another name to the list and after a short editing war some online publications picked it up and he was able to end the editing war by citing them as sources.
I think it stayed there for several weeks and many many journalists justs blindly copied the name from Wikipedia.