My first thought too.
If not, she’s looking quite like her.
Touhoppai founder, a touhou-oriented doujin group focusing on French adaptations.
My first thought too.
If not, she’s looking quite like her.
Thanks for your efforts! The only sound conclusions on their side would be to shut off unauthenticated endpoints returning valuable data.
That would be ideal, I guess
Thanks a lot for sharing this article!
I’m struggling with composition and never found such a comprehensive article.
Would you have, by chance, other composition-related articles or posts to share?
My wife yawned at all those yawning cats
Probably user active during the past 6 months (posting, commenting, …) vs user active during the past month
Sounds plausible
2 hours ago, I heard on the French national radio an observatory director interview about this incident. He said that the recovered debris size was not fitting the impact.
Several decades ago, a car was hit by a meteorite in the USA, with similar damages, but the debris was 10~12kg heavy and found just underneath the car, with the floor also punctured.
At this point of the investigation, he said that the meteorite hypothesis was very unlikely.
where did my password leak!?
It was a nice read, thanks for sharing
I was a long date happy gandi customer until this year shenanigans (steep price increase and free mailbox tier suppression).
I’m switching bit by bit my domains to OVH
S’il n’avait pas été cité, j’aurais parlé de Dennou coil (surtout qu’il est disponible sur Netflix depuis un an, avec la sortie de la série récente du réalisateur, Mitsuo Iso : Notre jeunesse en orbite [que j’ai bien moins aimé que Dennou coil] ).
Pour le pitcher : ça se déroule dans un univers à peine futuriste, où la réalité augmentée est devenue la norme. On suit les aventures d’un groupe d’enfant, confronté à divers incidents dans cet univers à la frontière entre cyberespace et réalité. C’est du Ghost in the shell x Ghibli avec une animation aux petits oignons.
On me l’avait chaudement conseillé il y a des années et j’avais buté sur le style graphique, mais j’avais continué malgré tout. Une fois habitué, on rentre dans l’histoire (enfin, dans l’ambiance onirique) et on se laisse porter sans voir le temps passer.
Avec un grand nom aux manettes, ça me titille comme recommandation, ça !
Je me disais exactement la même chose, enfin, au niveau du groupe
15 years and almost went to a stop going there (I setup a RSS feed for 3 subs, but I actually manually check them twice a week to make sure I’m not missing on important news)
The fediverse as a whole is getting more and more interesting this year. Sure, it’s still lacking in amount of content, but it brings me “good enough” content to avoid feeling like I’m missing something.
Le coup des resto qui ferment deux jours par semaine, faute de personnel voulant travailler au même prix et même conditions qu’avant, ça ne serait un peu le pendant hôtelier de la shrinkflation ?
On ne répercute pas l’inflation aux consommateurs en montant les prix, mais en baissant les prestations.
I tried with a debian testing and couldn’t get intune UI to communicate with intune backend, I think (thanks to the cryptic error messages)
I installed a fresh ubuntu 22 LTS, as per the doc, and could get past this point, only to encounter the conditional access restriction policy from my company.