I mean, not civilised enough to avoid attempting to drink a dozen snakebite and blacks and then launching it The Exorcist style all over the floor, but just civilised enough to be able to go to the hospital for free when the three lads who’ve stuffed their noses with magic dickhead powder decided you were looking at them funny.
Fun fact - the original lesser known Snakebite is a shooter of Yukon Jack and Rosie’s Sweetened Lime. The name was assumably stolen for the Guinness/cider combo
That just sounds like Snakebite and Black, a drink most places in the UK won’t serve.
Mostly because cleaning bright purple vomit out of your pub carpet is a fucking nightmare.
It was always referred to as diesel by the hive. Couldn’t say no at £1 a pint. Heavy shit.
Why do your pubs have carpet? Over on the other side of the ocean I’ve never been to a carpeted bar
Because we’re civilised.
I mean, not civilised enough to avoid attempting to drink a dozen snakebite and blacks and then launching it The Exorcist style all over the floor, but just civilised enough to be able to go to the hospital for free when the three lads who’ve stuffed their noses with magic dickhead powder decided you were looking at them funny.
Fun fact - the original lesser known Snakebite is a shooter of Yukon Jack and Rosie’s Sweetened Lime. The name was assumably stolen for the Guinness/cider combo